The Righteous Hacksaw

How was the Mountain Climb?

bump - curious

whoops, DP (double post. Get yer minds outta the gutter.)

thanks for asking. Denali was tough, but we had good weather (relatively speaking) and knocked it off in only 9 days. I’m headed to Russia soon to do elbrus,which will make 5/7 summits. It’s been a blast.

Everest is in my sights now. I’d like to climb it from the north next spring,

Summit of the USA - 20,328 feet


TRH, you fking rock!!!

What about K2?

I’d like climb k2, but that is a ways off. I would really need to be pretty elite to do that. I think I could do it with enough training.

Niiiiiice. You need to next climb an 18 yr old swede on top of a mountain.

That’s a good idea. I’ll be climbing a 23 year old russian on top of Russia’s tallest mountain next week.

Yo TRH/CT. I met this chick, she’s Russian, 19 y/o, blond w/ blue eyes in the US on a short term visa. Would you recommend going after that, even though shes probably hunting for a green card or something?

Yes. Hit that shit. Quit that shit.

Whatever you do, don’t trust her. You cannot trust Russian women and they will fck you over as soon as they can. Therefore don’t give her what she wants (a passport), but keep fcking her until she’s 25, then find a new one and repeat.

I have a feeling this pic would lend nicely to a fapping meme.

That’s awesome

Yep, it would read, “Fapping Once a Day Gave Me the Power to Climb Denali. Say “yes” to Fap!”

It is so disappointing to me that Tikka is not Indian. Sigh.

Me too, Blake. Me too.

Awesome. Someday, I’ll get up there - someday

So a girl needs to climb the mountain to get laid these days?:0

Ouch. Stop generalizing, man!

Cool thing about this pic is that your little climber’s thong lets us know exactly where to apply the hacksaw…

(no homo)

Also, you should’ve stuck your penor in the snow at the top of the mountain.

(no homo again)

Why stop generalizing? It’s true. It might not be true in your case, but is it really worth the risk for us as passive investors to see if you are the exception to the rule? No, I’ll let some hedge fund take the chance to see if you are the one undervalued asset in this sector.