The Righteous Hacksaw

Forget about me. I am talking about your unfair generalization of all Russian women. You are probably attracted to a certain type of high-maintenance women (aka brand slaves) but judging everyone. Not cool

^ yeah, not cool, unfair and maybe you miss out sometimes, but in general we have to do this everyday as humans. This is the same reason why Goldman Sachs doesn’t recruit a lot at junior colleges.

No you don’t have to do this every day. You chose to do it.

Because being open-minded and not applying one template to everyone requires effort…

^ yes this is true, and effort=time=money and well, it’s really just easier, chaper, and more efficient to apply stereotypes because they work, most of the time.

You should not be angry with me. You should be angry with your fellow Russian women. They are dragging your brand down by not being trustworthy. Hot yes, but completely untrustworthy.


you’re fked in the know that right?

Way to go TRH (Y).

Just out of curiosity, what kind of job do you have? You seem to be self-employed or have pretty good rapport with your boss to afford so many holidays. The reason I’m asking is that my employer gives me like 15 holidays a year (and that too because it’s mandated by regulatory body), you ask for one more and you are effed unless of course you break your leg or something.

I had the same question Ninja :slight_smile:

Well done TRH and good luck for the rest!

@TRH and regarding Russian girls.

Why are you so unhappy about them trying to pursue their goals so determinedly and ‘cruelly’?

Because your girls are ugly and fat does not really make them better when you find negative points in Russian girls and exaggerate them to insanity.

At the same time, your ‘propaganda’ about Russian girls is true to some extent (let’s be realistic) but looks like you developed a complex back in Russia. Not cool at all. And don’t say that you didn’t. The impression is there.

SOORAJ: I don’t really have a boss. I have investors who check in with me periodically. I’m also going to b school next year so I’m kinda past caring. Personally, I’d love it if they sacked me as I’d be paid out big time. But yes I’m effectively becoming unemployed full time while remaining a director of my company allowing me to take time off.

DRAGO: A complex? Well, not a much for myself, but I know a lot a sorta dumb gullible romantic English and American guys who fell in love with Russian girls (who they may have met on the Internet or working as expats in Miscow) and get massively disappointed and heartbroken to find out that once they get them to America or run out of money these women basically cheat on them and run off (sometimes with their money). It never happened to me cause I never did it. But yeah, I’ve watched it happen to enough acquaintances that I probably do have a complex for them. These guys are usually idiots. We all know how gullible Americans and Brits are. They really believe these relationships are based in love and not opportunity. They are just shocked to find out that some hot nubile 19 year old gymnast from seveastapol doesn’t really love them so much as wanted to get the hell out of seveastapol.

The whole impetus for my statement was KrazyKanuck asking me about this chick. I’m picturing him as some pastey gullible Canadian, who might be overweight. What should he do with this 19 year old? Well, I’m sorry to say, he shouldn’t just trust her. I’ve seen it before. Sometimes these anastasia web weddings works out, but usually only when the female is older and has fewer options,

For what it’s worth everybody, I’ve got a Russian girlfriend and she’s great. She doesn’t cheat on me. But I know the culture and how it works a lot better than your average gullible American. If you don’t know Russians women like I do than my advice is “Caveat Emptor.”

TRH, how old are you?

  1. I’ll be 30 very shortly.

@TRH: It is possible that you, given your background, are attracting women hunting for the GC. But you cannot possibly argue that ALL women in Russia are like that!

@ Ivan Drago: American women are not all fat and ugly. Far from that! Come to NYC and see for yourself:)

In my very limited experience (sample size of 1), TRH is 100% correct. Very hot, fk like a demon, and totally batsht crazy.

You said it yourself. Your sample is unreliable - can’t make the conclusion about all/most russian women. And that what TRH is trying to do…

I was in NYC as well as other states. Manhattan is indeed okay, other places were not so promising.

Hold on, I’ve said time and time again that there are exceptions. You are probably one of them krnyc2008. But my risk mandate may not allow me to invest in such. It is not all or most, it’s enough though that your average naive investor should avoid them as an instrument all together.

Sorry. Russian women are the female equivalent of writing a Credit Default Swap. Solid and consistent pssy premium payoff. Unlimited downside potential. Only for sophisiticated investors who know how to manage their risk.

I love Russians. But just as I told Ivan Drago that Russians have a “theft thing.” Russian women, especially the kind that go on the internet looking for men, have a similar attitude towards taking advantage of men. Especially rich and gullible foreign ones.

Manhattan is swarming w beauts today.

NYC has lots of hot women. As much as I hate American chicks, I do have to concede that point.

I still don’t like American chicks. Give me a russian devchenka any time. Being with a Russian woman you actually feel like you’re with a real woman. Being with an American chick I might as well be sleeping with a man.

One of my Russian exes, a hot bisexual, liked to compare American chicks to “seedless grapes.” In Russia, at least back then, they did not have seedless grapes. So she found it pretty odd that America had engineered the seed out of the grape. The whole point of a grape is to have a seed. She then basically concluded that American chicks are kinda like those grapes. A grape, just without the woman inside.

I would interpret it as a human without a soul?

Congratulations on the mountain summit. That looks like a pretty impressive feat.

I don’t think I understand the grape metaphor: “American chicks are kinda like those grapes. A grape, just without the woman inside”. So, American chicks are like grapes that do not have a woman inside?