Richard Sherman

All these people hatin’ on Richard Sherman for speaking his mind. Time for all to sound off on “the best corner in the game”.

Is he a loudmouth punk that needs to learn some humility?

Or is he just telling the truth, and if you can’t handle it, then tough sh*t? After all, “it’s not bragging if you back it up”?

My .02 - I like the swagger. I like it even better when it’s aimed at San Francisco and Jim Harbaugh.

I think the NFL has gotten to PC with the “nice guy and respect for opponent” garbage. If you beat someone’s ass, you should be able to brag about it. Yeah, it will make you a target, but that’s what you’re hoping for, right?

In general, I prefer guys with a bit more class, but Crabtree had been talking smack all day and it obviously got to Sherman. In this case, I think Crabtree got what he deserved.

Also - let it be known that Richard Sherman had harsh words for his own fans who were throwing food at Navarro Bowman as he was being carted off the field. That’s something I would expect from Philadelphia, but probably not anywhere else.

I liked his fire. At least he gave a real interview and not just the typical, “They’re a great team and we were fortunate to come out on top.”

He does have to back it up now though. Peyton will put the ball where it needs to be, more so than Kaepernick.

I thought what he said was in bad taste, and probably not something I’d personally do if I were in his shoes. However, after understanding the situation between him and Crabtree a bit more, I can’t really blame him. For me, I think it added some color and fire to the typical banal platitudes in post-game media such as, “We’re just taking these things one game at a time.”

I generally think people are held accountable for what they say anyway. I think if Marshawn Lynch is permitted to go an entire season without ever talking to the media (which he later got fined for anyway), Richard Sherman can say what he wants as long as he can accept the consequences. He shouldn’t be surprised if he finds himself being a little more of a marked man next season.

The throwing of food at Navorro Bowman was just terrible and classless.

Thing is, when someone is the best, they don’t or shouldn’t need to go trump around telling you they are the best.

Watch the movie Coach Carter.

If I were in an NFL post-game interview, I’d just be like “You know, we’re really just trying to take this 19 games at a time. A lot of people want to focus on the next five seasons, but you got to bring it back to earth, focus on the moment. 19 games at a time. That’s how you get there.”

Except in real life, people do - Ali, Mayweather, Primetime Neon Deion Sanders, TO, etc.

IMO, it’s generally fine for high profle athletes, kind of part of the job…might not work so well for the Queen of England, she might try a more subtle approach.

Tom Brady, Payton Manning, Mike Singletary, Reggie White, Marvin Harrison, Jerry Rice, Barry Sanders, Larry Allen, Tim Duncan

I just saw TO on a Hardees commercial. Too bad his talent wasn’t as big as his mouth.

Football is entertainment and if you are offended by this man’s attitude you’re taking this sport way too seriously.

Marvin Harrison is six feet tall and 185 pounds. He has a neatly trimmed mustache and the body-fat content of an Olympic swimmer. He became the dominant wide receiver of his era not by outleaping or outwrestling defenders but by exploiting an almost supernatural talent for getting open: for feints, fakes, jukes, dodges, bluffs, stutter steps, sudden bursts of sick speed. But at this moment, Nixon says, Marvin Harrison did not run. He stood on the sidewalk and calmly raised his wiry arms. In each hand, Nixon clearly saw, was a gun.

Nixon froze.

“YOU A BITCH-ASS NIGGA!” Nixon heard the fat man scream at Harrison. “YOU AIN’T GONNA SHOOT. YOU AIN’T GONNA SHOOT. DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO.”

Nixon was across the street and thirty yards away when Harrison started shooting. Pop pop pop pop pop pop—a great staccato gust of bullets. Steadily, Nixon says, Harrison unloaded both guns into the fat man’s car, stippling the red Toyota Tundra with bullet holes as the fat man ducked in his seat. Eventually, the fat man sat up and sped off, heading straight toward Nixon’s position as Harrison darted into the street and continued to shoot.

Now Nixon was in the line of fire. He turned and ran. He ran as fast as he could with his belly and his smoker’s cough as bullets slivered through doors and lodged in walls.

Behind him, unbeknownst to Nixon, a bullet ripped through the fat man’s hand. Another bullet shattered the glass of a car containing multiple adults and a 2-year-old boy. The adults instantly bailed, abandoning the little boy in the car, the glass flowering into razor-sharp petals and bloodying the boy’s eye.

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A guy on sports radio brought up a good point. He used the analogy of when you - the average dude - comes home from work fired up and you don’t want to talk to you wife or kids right away…you need time to cool down before being able to communicate in a rational manner.

Now imagine that times fifty and you can begin to understand the situation better. Football players being interviewed right after a very emotional game are going to be prone to fiery rhetoric. If anyone caught Sherman’s press conference he was much more level-headed while still expressing his disdain for the “mediocre” Crabtree.

The dude went to Standford. He may not be CFA material, but he’s not a complete idiot.

Revis is better

Some have the mental maturity to be able to leave it on the field, some don’t. Notice I didn’t mention anything about intelligence. He’s obviously a bright guy. He’s just not very mature mentally. Learning how to lose AND win is a very important life trait. He either wasn’t taught that trait or wasn’t able to learn the lesson.

Why isn’t anyone after Crabtree for pushing the dude in the face? What ever happend to “turn the other cheek”? Aren’t we taught to ignore trash talk?

Crabtree: classless.

Sherman: classless.

(Interesting trivia: Sherman has a degree in . . . wait for it . . . communications.)

What about Harbaugh when he gave an exaggerated hand shake to Lions coach to the point where the Lions coach had to track him down and get in his face about it? The media gave Harbaugh a pass and chalked it up as the heat of the moment.

My entire point - he was still on the field.

Edit: ^Jim Harbaugh is a complete douche bag.

Richard Sherman is kind of a douche: “I’m better at life than you.” He makes some good points though.
