Being Single vs married :How old do yo have to be to quit ?

Being single has its own advantages,you are free,you can explore many different women who all taste differently from one another,but a certain age your performance will drop,I mean getting older (above 40 in my opinion) you cannot just go around picking women up without financial support.So what is the age where that performance rate drops ?

Share your opinions,

performance does generally drop after 40.meaning it isn’t as good as before. However if you focus on fitness, this can be overcome.didn’t quite get the financial support thing.

Getting married or otherise is a personal thing. you will get plenty of views for or against getting getting married.

Yo XRAY, GTFO of our forum!

Yo CFAvsMBA why da fuck ?

Only one person from Zimbabwe allowed?

More like “above 18”. Believe it or not, that’s when you were probably at your prime. (But you probably didn’t know what you were doing until a few years later.)

No I dont mean performance in a sexual way,what I mean is beint attractive to females and being able to pick them up.After 55 for example definately yo can say women are more after your money than your looks or character

I’m not as acrobatic as I was in my 20s, but I get laid a lot more these days. And the women seem to enjoy it more too, which is the real treat.

ADDED: the phrasing of the OP is really bizarre. “When performance drops??” “When to quit?” “Tastes different?” I can kind of fill in the blanks and guess what they mean, but it suggests the OP has a somewhat pathological approach to women.

^ not as bad as that guy in the other thread describing all women as parasites.

And he is not the first one

Good that someone else has noticed.

I’ve read your peak performance athletically is in your 30s while your testosterone levels are highest in late teens. Seems contridictory at first doesnt it?

Yeah, that was pretty pathological too. It helps to know that that person will never have a satifying relationship with a woman, though one hopes that most women are sensible enough to detect it quickly and run far and fast.

People who are happy in life will be happy regardless if they get married or remain single.

People who are unhappy will be unhappy regardless if they get married or remain single.

It is an interesting question, however: “When is your peak attractiveness?” (in this case, for men, although one can ask this about women too).

The answer is “It depends on what your source of attractiveness is, and who you are trying to attract.”

So here are some things that men think women find attractive (and presumably at least some women find attractive:

  • $$$ and a kick-ass car
  • An awesome physique and rock-hard, lickable abs
  • Dresses well
  • Intelligence
  • Self-confidence
  • Sense of humor
  • Class and refinement (though some also like the party-hard motorcycle driving type)

In addition, I’ve discovered that many desirable women also like

  • A natural (but non-creepy) sensuality
  • Good manners
  • Sponteneity (which can include motorcycles)

There’s also the classic

  • Good listener
  • Delivers sincere compliments on a regular basis
  • Makes her feel like she’s important to him
  • Attentive in bed
  • Family oriented (for some).

Different women like different things, and the same woman will like different things at different points in her life. So as you age, you should concentrate on what the attractive men in your category have going for them and what it is that the women you want to attract like. If you are set on college girls, then you will probably be unattractive after about age 29 (though there are plenty of college girls that have the “seduce the professor” fantasy, as well). But the truth is that by the time you are 30, college girls will probably bore the heck out of you, and you’ll prefer women that are after a different kind of man.

Lots of guys run into the mistake of thinking the same stuff that worked to attract women in high school and college are going to attract women 25+, or that the things that worked with women in their 20s works on women in their 30s or 40s.

No way. If this were the case, then all those track and field Olympics people would be 30+ (which they are not).

it sort of makes sense that teens have highest hormone levels but not highest athletic ability. The hormones are encouraging development, which occurs throughout the teen years.


Not many men can adapt to this changing environment. The best do and find a way to “reinvent themselves”. Not just in their relationships with women, but also in other areas of their life.

I often hear nice guys in their 30s and 40s who all of a sudden have more success with women say " I wish I knew what I know today 10 or 15 years ago". What they don’t realize is that their style and personality wouldn’t have atrracted women 10 or 15 years ago. It’s the women around them that changed, not them.


What I mean by performance is how attractive you are in the eyes of women,because one thing is for sure once you pass a certain age your financial and social position is more important than your washboard abs,I for one have realised that I can seduce women pretty easily in the first meeting however cannot build a relationship (long term )afterwards.

P.S I Have started to get worried that no matter how good you are you can never have all the women you want and that is a shame

^haha this made me laugh.