Theories on why DJT turned down Ceremonial First Pitch?

I’ve said it on here but I’m going with he can’t throw a baseball.

dude is old - yeah agree

Neither can I.

Baseball too large for hands.

Too fat. Can’t perform. Can’t get it up (in the air - the baseball)

Old and fat. No doubt he would 2 hop it at best.

maybe he needs to go to blake’s baseball camp

Truthfully no President should ever bother again after W set the high water mark. No one is topping that.

“Look, I have the best arm. The best. I just don’t have the time. Have you seen how busy I am? It’s unbelievable how busy I am. I’d like to see Rosie O’Donnell throw that baseball. If she can even roll out of bed that is.”

Probably throws like a girly-man.


I would have taken GW’s pitch yard. No but seriously, the best presidential first pitch ever. DJT for all the smack talk he does really doesn’t back it up.


Beat me to it

DJT has already clotheslined Vince McMahon, purchased WWE Raw, and been inducted into the WWE HoF.

With this many accomplishment,s why concern yourself with such hacksaw trivialities such as “throwing a baseball” for ceremonial purposes?

Let’s not forget the huge number of future illegal immigrants in MLB.

According to DJT himself he was the best youth baseball player in NY.

“I was always the best athlete. Something that nobody knew about me. …I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young. … But I also knew that it was very limited, because in those days you couldn’t even make a lot of money playing baseball. … Everybody wanted me to be a baseball player. But I was good in other sports too. I was good in wresting, I was very good at football. I was always the best at sports.”

Now hes a fat tub who is old

^ In fairness, it’s not like all actual elite athletes stay fit and trim as they get older

I have trouble believing that anyone with any real body awareness could be so poor at taking a stone cold stunner. This should have been easy for him if he was the best at sports, and he made it look like crap.

Its not like hes the most electrifying man in sports entertainment… Do you smell what Im cooking?