Theories on why DJT turned down Ceremonial First Pitch?

Crazy that this was Trump. Don’t do drugs, kids. By all accounts he was a maniac to party with back in the younger years.

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^ That looks like a 1st baseman’s glove. Must have not had an arm.

In 1964 (around the time of the photo), gloves didn’t have the kind of differentiation. Plus a good first baseman can often have a cannon.

Image result for baseball gloves in the 1960s

Which career first basemen have had cannons?

Apparently he could play though: “Donald Trump was scouted by the Phillies. Trump was a star first baseman.” Scouted by the Red Sox as well.

He appears to have a long history of doing stupid things to have his own way:

By sixth grade, Donald’s power as a right-handed hitter was enough that fielders shifted to left field when he batted. “If he had hit the ball to right, he could’ve had a home run because no one was there,” said Nicholas Kass, a schoolmate. “But he always wanted to hit the ball through people. He wanted to overpower them.”

In fairness tough, not many 6th graders actually have the ability to hit the ball the other way.


^ 2,408 career games. 278 of them at 1st base. Not exactly a career first baseman.

I figured that was so over the top obvious no one would take it seriously. I was wrong!

Anyway, it would be kind of tough for a career 1B to show off a strong arm. They almost never even have to make a throw, and at best it’s 90 feet.

I stand corrected on the glove.

I would argue all career first basemen have cannons.

The point here being that any high caliber first baseman can still out throw 99.99% of the general population six ways to Sunday.

Which is why they play 1B

First basemen are almost always left handed so DT playing first as a righty would lean towards he doesnt have a strong arm.

Not to brag, though its practically all i do on this forum, third basemen - the position i was cpt for - have arguably the best arms comparable to only centerfield/catchers.

Yeah but that’s not nearly as observable as the other reasons guys get put at first, namely being slow and big.

I’m quite surprised that I enjoy watching baseball, especially considering that it’s just glorified Rounders.

Is Fenway park worth a visit?

Fuck yea, man. AF meetup if you come.

So was there a first baseman in the history of MLB that could throw a ball from the warning track, after only taking one step, to home plate without it bouncing?


never happe…


let’s do it. When’s the next AF Boston drinking session?

Tonight, but if you’re in town we’ll set one up for you.