Shirtless running - yay or nay?

What are people’s thoughts on shirtless running? Even during my 5am morning runs the temperature’s hitting 70s, which feels like 80s once I get a good sweat going. I’ll usually run without a shirt in order to stay cool and not get drenched, and since I’ve gotten a solid 6-pack back from running for the last 3 months I don’t feel as self-conscious. I usually run on a jogging/biking trail through the woods that’s never too crowded, but over the course of a half-hour run I’ll come across anywhere from 5-20+ other runners/bikers. I’m almost always the only one who is shirtless, but I’ve never come across anyone who’s shown any outward disdain or disgust by it. A few women seem to even be a little more friendly than they otherwise would be if I was wearing a shirt. So the question is are people just being polite but inwardly grossed out by shirtlessness, or is it really a socially-accepted thing these days?


Yeah. I think I’m going to start running without my shirt on.

If people stop to stare, then I’ll certainly take it as a compliment to my godlike physique.

From a guys perspective, I don’t particularly pay note to it. But is it really much different than wearing under armor? Seems like if I was in a small social circle (running past friends and coworkers), the strategy probably has some cost without much benefit. But in a larger city at 5 am, not sure I’d care.

My neighbor runs shirtless most of the year even during winter, he has a beer belly and is out of shape. He hasn’t changed in the past year or so.

95% of people will leave the shirt on until it hits say 85 degrees, but I don’t think it really matters. Just don’t be like this 50 something year old guy who used to live in my neighborhood. He would wear the Under Armor sort of underwear as his only shorts. It was grey color furthermore.

you said you already had a 6 pack from training … what was it … 2 hrs in gym everyday?

If I walked past a guy jogging topless in moderate heat I would assume he was a bit of a douche.

based on most posts I’ve read from you that doesn’t seem out of character so I say you should go ahead

abs are made in the kitchen broseph

When I used to run outside, I’d always run shirtless so the entire upper body would tan evenly.

Running shirtless is for dem liberals. Real men run with President Trumps Tshirt the source of ultimate pride and manhood.


The things people say to avoid deportation these days…

Thats not what i’m saying. His first post on that running thread said he already had a 6 pack.

I don’t take my shirt off when I run or ball but I see the benefits. I sweat a lot of there’s less laundry. I think you also stink less. But playing ball without a shirt on is a dick move imo.

i get a long v sweat stain going though in my shirt haha

People who don’t understand sarcasm. I expected more from you.

Are you being sarcastic in this one or the first one? I think you may have missed some yourself hehhe

I’m being sarcastic in that one !

Yes, it is cool to run shirtless, go to the gym shirtless and be out and about shirtless. It is all about showing dominance and showing to those thots who is the real Harambe is who is that other gorilla no one knows the name of

yeah best practice is to go to gym with shirt on, grab a treadmill and throw your shirt at the hottest dime

Forreal though only 2 out of my 5 gyms allow you to go shirtless in an appropriate manner

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youve never done nude yoga in Chelsea broseph?