What is your favourite movie?

What is your favourite movie and why?

1.The Godfather 1 (the role of Marlon Brando and the best role of Al Pacino ever).

2.Apocalypse Now (same as 1, also some scenes are unforgettable)

  1. The Scarface (second best role of Al Pacino ever)

  2. The Taxi Driver (I like Robert De Niro in this movie)

  3. The Warriors (naive but the best thriller in 80s, remind me on childhood)

  4. Debbie does Dallas (same as 5)

In no particular order:

  • Old Boy (Korean Version) : storyline leading up to the ending is just perfectly written

  • Prisoners : Intense thriller with great performances from Jake Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman

  • Almost any Tarantino movie (most notably Pulp Fiction & The Hateful Eight) : gotta love long extended dialogues

  • Memento : if you like mind fuck movies

  • The Usual Suspects : 2 words, Keyser Söze!

  • The Green Mile : who doesn’t like Tom Hanks?

these are just some that come to mind right now

Oceans 11, 12, 13 and Moneyball.

Gonna take a wild guess here that you like Brad Pitt?

I’d add Se7en, Fury, Inglorious Basterds, and Twelve Monkeys to the list!

Reservoir Dogs?

  1. Schindler’s List (emotional rollercoaster) 2. Pursuit of happiness (feel good movie) 3. Wolf of Wall Street (lots of memeble quotes) 4. The Big Short (found it entertaining) 5. The Gladiator (first favorite movie) 6. The hangover (stupid fun movie) 7. Troy (watched it while reading The Iliad. loved it) 8. Up in the Sky (airline miles) 9. Pan’s Labyrinth (fantasy + real life) 10. The Wrestler (sad movie, plus I’m a WWE fan) 11. John Wick (he’s cool) 12. The Matrix (who doesn’t like the Matrix?)


The Spaghetti Westerns with Clint Eastwood rule ‘em all.

atush is back yay

I often don’t enjoy movies that are really “good”. My favorite movies are the ones I never get tired of watching and leave me feeling light rather than deep with thought/ emotion.

I usual get attached to a movie through specific characters that amuse me.


The Hangover (all of them)

Easy A (The Emma Stone character’s whole family)

You, Me and Dupree (Dupree)

I may also love moves for nostalgic reasons



Indiana Jones

There are other movies I thought were amazing, but don’t watch multiple times because they tend to do the opposite of chill me out.

The Big Short

The Machinist

American Psycho

The Beach

The Departed

You guys thought the big short was good? The movie sucked. The only good scene in that movie is when Burry walks into S&P and the chick is wearing blackout glasses because she just had eye surgery.

Absolutely! Like I said, almost any Tarantino movie :slight_smile: the reason I put almost is because I have not watched Death Proof nor Kill Bill II yet.

Have you watched The True Romance? Tarantino was the scenarist.

Wrong. Your favorite movie is flashback with Keifer Sutherland and Dennis Hopper. Image result for flashback movie

I watched this one.

I don’t like the Matrix ;-). I would add to your list: The Magnificient Seven with Yul Brynner, Ben Hur with Charles Heston, Gone with the wind, The Shawshank Redemption and the Lord of the Rings.

Then, you might add North by NorthWest, African Queen, Key Largo…

The Shawshank is OK but far to be the masterpiece. Forrest Gump is better from this era.

I don’t get the phenomenon of this movie. I watched it once and was rather irritated by the main character. I would choose philadelphia.

_Charl ton _, if memory serve.