What is your favourite movie?

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me too :wink: his name was Charlton

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Monday night football

I have not, I’ll add it to the list! tanks

This always a difficult one, right? How do I compare Pulp Fiction to Caddyshack? Or the Karate Kid vs American Psycho?

I actually like series now more than movies. Dapper character development in series.

“Dapper character development” haha Image result for dapper gif

The last really good movie I saw was “Intouchables” a French movie. Very good.

The Bourne trilogy (not so much the last one) is up there for me. Why? I can’t seem to stop watching whenever I come across any of the 3.

Agreed! Nothing beats the old black and white movies like above masterpiece. Clerks is another one that masterfully and preciently immagined the New Jersey of the 1990s. Amazing foresight.

He wrote it too. I remember bringing up how much I love this film several years ago on here and pretty much everyone disagreed with me. That simply reinforced my belief that I have better taste than most people.

Val Kilmer, one of the biggest actors at the time, played Elvis with a heavily accented voice without even showing his face. Crazy.

^Val Kilmer is one of my all-time favorites. He got seriously snubbed for best supporting actor in Tombstone and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (everyone needs to see this if you haven’t already).

His first three movies are all classics - Top Secret, Real Genius, and Top Gun. He was a badass in Willow. He was great in The Doors even if the movie was a bit heavy-handed. He was a good Batman even if the movie was horrible. Another great supporting role in Heat. And he’s done some terrific cameo work on Robot Chicken and Entourage.

And, as an added bonus, he’s an active redditor so he just pops into threads from time to time.

I liked this one and “The Very bad things” with Christian Slater. This one is not directed nor written by Tarantino.

I like those Tarantino movies’ morbid dialogues and a black humor but his new movies somehow have lost momentum and that specific dialogues. The first ones in early 90s and bit later are the best ones. I cannot recall any good after “From Dusk till Dawn”.

War Room, recent but very good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GvRJFNBEes

Played Morrison too.

This video is not available, maybe for me, lol!

I watched yesterday Shutter Island. Recommend if you like suspense thrillers.

That’s definitely a great one. You should check out Primal Fear with Richard Geer and Edward Norton.

we already have a movie thread… STL can you merge?