For those worried about their 2008 CFA L1 results… consider this story about a “FIVE-time” L3 retaker. This guy passed L1 and L2 both on his first try, so safe to say he has at least some smarts, dedication, work ethic, and/or etc. I am getting pre-TSD just thinking of it. sh34, I salute you…and really wish you make it this time. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone feeling post-exam depression Posted by: sh34 (IP Logged) [hide posts from this user] Date: June 8, 2007 02:07PM After taking L3 for the 5th time, I feel very depressed. Once again, I saw a lot of trick curve balls. I have been thru denial (deny studied not enough)…some regret, some anger (that spent over 1200 hours studying for L3), and no some depression. I will eager be addicted to this board until the results come out. All in all I have seen the L3 exam change a lot over the last 5 years. 5 years ago, anyone with just the Schweser notes could likely pass the email.
Just want the ones who took it 1 month ago (like me) to put everything in perspective. Even if we get >70% on all of Level 1…we are still very very far from being done.
Actually, that post was from 2007…but now I’m confused…five times to seven times in one year? Posted on: Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 02:13PM sh34 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Everyone, > > I have taken the LIII exam SEVEN times and I think > the exam only keeps getting harder. > (i.e. pass rates were so high not too long ago). > I think I am the only one on this board who spent > 300 x 7 =2100 hours or 82 full days (24hr= days). > I have gotten so used to failing that it has > become ‘serial failurer’. This year was no > different. I always take the exam and feel kinda > ok after the exam, but when I see my scores, I > would noticed that did poorly on the AM section > and did average on the PM section. > > From seeing all my friends who passed the exam in > the past, most of my friends just barely pass with > a 55-60 mps. 7 years ago, when I first took the > exam, the schweser notes were all I used. Now, I > doing all the CFAI reading and schweser notes. > > In the past, after the June exam, I would > immediately try to ‘forget’ all the stuff I > memorized, so I can free up my mind. (i.e… empty > all the diskspace on my 1 gig hd brain). > I think continuously studying would be helpful to > retain the information, until I get my exam > results. This way, all the information will be > fresh in my head and I don’t need to re-study all > that micro/macro/gpe/gips, etc… list of formulas > and facts to memorize. > > Anyway agree with me? > > Has anyone studied harder than me for LIII? > > sh34
A sharp guy I know just sat for the 3rd time for L3. He did it all with classes, CFAI text, Schweser, etc. Let’s hope I get lucky in two weeks, although I’m a very unlucky person by nature.
From reading those posts I would guess sh34 is getting knocked on level 3 for not being able to effectively communicate in writing. He would probably do well to take some writing classes rather than study more for level 3.
sh34 is still around. Stubborness can be a trait of really successful people.
aldford Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > From reading those posts I would guess sh34 is > getting knocked on level 3 for not being able to > effectively communicate in writing. He would > probably do well to take some writing classes > rather than study more for level 3. I would suspect the same.
at least the work experience part should be done right?
Thanks boston. i hate my life now.
C’mon EMRA. Think 3/3 and done.
is that what you did Joey D?