“Hi all, can anyone, like, tell me where I can get a copy of the curriculum? I have left it a bit late to start studying but I reckon i can put a few hours in in the next week. Can anyone tell me how to pass? Thanks” “Hi all, if anyone has any really detailed notes that they have paid $1000 for/spent days making, can you e-mail them to me at imalazyfucker@hotmail.com. Thanks!” “Hi, I from Rajasthan. Can please be telling of me where to be of passing the Chartered Analyst Certification? Thanking you!” “Hi, sorry to be posting on the L3 board with 12 days to go. I am taking L1 in June. How did you all pass? Thanks”
“Thanking you!” LMAO!
HAHAHA classic.
so bad but so true!
I forgot one… “Hi, I currently have a job cleaning turds out of the camel enclosure at London Zoo. If I get the CFA will I get a job at Goldman Sachs on a billion pounds a day? Thanks for the career advice”
oy! I don’t appreciate the Rajasthan comment…! but what the heck …the others cracked me up !!!
No offence intended Mumu!
now would be the time to say “a thousand apologies!” aaah…anyone remember mind your language ?
you forgot “What kind of pencil can I use”, “Do I have to use pen?” “Where can I find the CFA past exam questions” and “Im a Level 2 candidate, I am scoring 97% on my Schweser exams and have put in 1200 hours of study. Do you think I am prepared enough?”
LOL I remember Mind your language. Very funny.
Mandelbrot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I forgot one… > “Hi, I currently have a job cleaning turds out of > the camel enclosure at London Zoo. If I get the > CFA will I get a job at Goldman Sachs on a billion > pounds a day? Thanks for the career advice” Goldman hires turd cleaners too, except they give them more glorified titles like “Analyst”