A whole lot of who shot John

President Trump has promised to release the remaining files held on the JFK, RFK, and MLK murders.
There are a number of other files people have suggested be released as well (Watergate (which many believe was a CIA op), the attempt on Reagan’s life, the attempt on President Trump’s life in Butler PA, and no doubt others).

The Deep State in the form of Mike Pompeo blocked the congressionally-mandated release of the JFK files in President Trump’s first term, leading many to believe that one or more of the insane conspiracy theories about JFK’s murder may in fact be true. After all, almost everyone involved is dead now, May 1963 being 61 years ago, so if there is no there there, why block the release?

Which theory do you favor?
The CIA? mafia? Professor Plum in the Library with the Candlestick?

I’ll start. There’s a book about JFK’s murder subtitled `The Case Against LBJ’.
That’s my pick: I support the theory that LBJ was one of the conspirators.

I once read a (pretty convincing) sounding argument that JFK was planning to pull the US out of some structural thing such as gold standard, petrodollar or something like that. I honestly don’t remember what it was except that it was something pretty important. And the argument was that because of that he got snipped by some domestic interests.

It’s possible.
The post-WW2 monetary order was set at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA, by Lord Keynes (a British homosexual socialist) and Harry Dexter White (a Soviet mole in the US government, who also played a large role in the ultimatum to Japan which lead to Pearl Harbor and the US entry into WW2).
The dollar was tied to gold ($35/oz? it was $20.67 before FDR) and other currencies were tied to the USD. Foreigners and foreign governments but not US citizens could redeem at that rate. As inflation lessened the value of the dollar (and indeed all fiat currencies), a flood of redemptions ensued, leading Nixon to close the gold window in the early 1970s, making the USD pure fiat.
I thought the petrodollar was the work of Hank Kissinger (again Nixon). The Arab nations launched a sneak attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day. Nixon saved Israel (Operation Nickel Grass) by resupplying her to replace the weaponry lost in the sneak attack. The Arab oil embargo ensued, and the petrodollar was part of the deal put together by Kissinger to sort everything out

Personally I feel that gold is much like bitcoin, its a SCAM. We should just dump all gold at market prices.

but lets pretend it has utility like everyone imagines. Anyways made props to dugalle, that dude sent a ship with all the usd to trade for 3.5m tonnes of gold. For comaprison the us had 20m. His action cause other people to follow, causing us gold to half to 8m forcing nixon to halt it.

Here is the CAGR:

  1. from pre end of gold standard at 1971 at 35 to 2.8k today. its 8% per year, thats a lot but its a poor measurement, because by then at regular cagr gold’s price was fake.
  2. From true end of gold standard at 1971 at 200 to 2.8k today, it’s 5% per hear, this is more accurate measure as we let market decide true rate of gold.
  3. From true start of gold standard at 1944 at 35 to today, its 5% per year, that’s the true rate, because they marked it at the fair price at that time,
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so GorillaNerd, who do you think killed JFK/RFK/MLK?

No idea! Not really big on conspiracy theories.

with any luck, we’ll soon finally found out the truth.
One of the conspiracy theories (no doubt fed by the CIA) was that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Soviet agent, yet we found out after the collapse of the USSR that the Soviets themselves thought that LBJ was behind the JFK murder

I’d be very cool to know what the truth is. I believe it’s already known, but speculating about alternatives is always interesting.

To be honest, I think conspiracy theories often seem more secretive than they actually are. Obviously a ■■■■ ton of shady things happen behind the scenes, and the public only gets a partial picture of events. To me it’s not even deceptive or wrong—it’s just the way things have always worked.

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De Gaulle.

Cheeky “Ay Mijo” meme goes here.

P diddy was a conspiracy that came true. Who woulda known. The diddler.


Indeed, and the rich and powerful flying to pedophile island hosted by Epstein, before Epstein committed suicide at the exact moment the prison cameras stopped working. What are the odds?

It was funny because there was a thread here on WC titled “Epstein scheduled to unexpectedly die in custody”

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FBI finds secret JFK assassination records after Trump order
LOL, what are the odds.
Kash Patel (Trump’s nominee for FBI) seems like a good man, so if there’s anything else they’re still hiding over there (that they didn’t already shred 50 or 60 years ago), let’s hope he can find it

Keynes wanted to invent a global currency, `the Bancor.’
My choice would have been a full gold standard rather than the Gold Exchange Standard they settled on, so that all currencies would have been tied to gold rather than tied to the US dollar which was tied to gold.
What transpired with the Gold Exchange Standard was inevitable, and is an example of the Triffin Dilemma, although it appears to have been known long before Triffin (for example, wikipedia’s note 1 references a 1929 book by Feliks Młynarski.)

In order to maintain the Bretton Woods system,
the US had to run a balance of payments current account deficit to provide liquidity
for the conversion of gold into U.S. dollars.
With more US dollars in the system than were backed with gold under the Bretton Woods agreement,
the US dollar was overvalued relative to gold.
The gold reserves of the United States were decreasing as foreign governments converted US dollars to gold and took it offshore.

De Gaulle v. the Dollar
De Gaulle was an ingrate. The West backed him during the Nazi occupation of France, then he stabbed virtually everyone in the back.
Causing the collapse of Bretton Woods;
Stirring up Quebec nationalism (Vive le Quebec libre!);
Blocking UK membership of the EEC (which morphed into the EU)

Under Bretton Woods, it was inevitable that the US would run huge unsustainable trade deficits (as it continues to do to this day). The US dollar was tied to gold and other currencies were tied to the dollar.
Other countries were allowed to devalue their currencies, as happened for example in the 1967 sterling devaluation when the GBP was devalued from $2.80 to $2.40.

Chairman Comer and Rep. Luna Announce Republican Appointments to Declassification and Transparency Task Force
Congress is getting in on the act. They will be looking at not just the assassinations, but a whole bunch of other things including
the Russia Russia Russia hoax
the origins of Covid
9/11 (specifically the role of the Saudis. Sleepy Joe promised during the 2020 campaign that he would release any documents that related to that, but didn’t do so).
the withdrawal from afghanistan
Epstein’s client list
and I’m sure countless other things
There’s probably stuff about the US entry into both world wars that’s still classified (the sinking of SS Lusitania, whether Soviet agents in the US government like Harry Dexter White engineered the US entry into WW2, the ultimatum to Japan, whether the US had advance warning of the attack on Pearl and did nothing, and so on), and if so, release that as well. The list is endless.

1 trillion in gold at fort knox. lol still wont fix our problems though

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Indeed, 1 trillion in gold, and Google tells me there’s $36.22 trillion in federal debt.
(edit: added)
There hasn’t been a comprehensive audit of Fort Know since 1953 (72 years ago) shortly after President Eisenhower took office.

If things are as they should be:
368,000 gold bars, each weighing 400 troy ounces (27.5 pounds).
If you laid them flat, they would cover an entire football field in a single layer
Total weight: Over 4,500 metric tons (the equivalent of 113 fully loaded semi-trucks)
Total value: Approximately $430 billion at recent spot prices.

A bar-by-bar verification would take a long time (I’ve seen 4 years mentioned).
You can’t just stick your head in the vault and say, yup, it’s full of gold, that’s good enough for me.
(Edit 2/24/25: I just saw Matt Bevin, the former Rep. Governor of Kentucky, where Fort Knox is, on Fox Business, and he’s been inside Fort Knox, and apparently he did just stick his head in the vault and say, yup, it’s full of gold, that’s good enough for me.)

A full audit would require every single bar to be:
Physically removed
Checked for purity
Verified against outdated government records (for example. serial numbers on the bars)

Reportedly the gold is stacked 6 feet high, and 4 or 5 gold bars deep in 13 separate vaults.

A big part of the problem is lack of records.
If they had proper records, there would be a list of the serial numbers and where each bar is supposed to be located.
The auditors would then just need to:
count the number of entries on the list;
select a statistical sample from the list and go to the vaults and verify that each bar in that statistical sample is where it should be and is as it should be.
And also go the other way:
select a statistical sample of physical bars in the vaults and verify that the statistical sample is correctly listed on the list and is as it should be.

The record keeping is supposedly so poor that you wouldn’t be able to do that.


It looks like the Deep State doesn’t want the Epstein files made public.
letter from AG to FBI Director

The new FBI Director (Patel) was confirmed and sworn in later than the new AG (Bondi).
Before Patel came into office, Bondi asked the FBI to give her all their Epstein files. They gave her 200 pages. Now a whistleblower has ratted the FBI out and alleged that the SDNY (Southern District of NY) field office has `thousands’ of additional pages. The new AG wants those documents.

Added: the first set of documents
Not sure how long those will stay online there but I’m sure they’re posted at lots of other sites too

New Jeffrey Epstein contact list includes Alec Baldwin, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger and RFK Jr.’s mom

But the roughly 200-page document dump provided no big revelations, instead listing celebrities
and politicians who were already known to have palled around with the notorious pedophile.

Among the famous names in Epstein’s contact list released by the Department of Justice Thursday: > Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson, actor Alec Baldwin, Ethel Kennedy — the
mother of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, supermodel Naomi
Campbell and rocker Courtney Love.

Others include: Bob Weinstein, the brother of Harvey Weinstein; David Koch; late Sen. Ted Kennedy;
actor Ralph Fiennes; Kerry Kennedy; lawyer Alan Dershowitz; John Kerry; actor Dustin Hoffman;
businessman Jon Huntsman; Ivana Trump, Ivanka Trump; and model Liz Hurley. The president’s
name was not in the contact list.
The list is not “a client list,” but includes names of people on Epstein’s vast contact list.
The vast majority of names on the list — if not all of them — had been previously reported in the
years of lawsuits and document leaks in the case.

I’ll go out on a limb and say that some of those names had nothing to do with Epstein’s ring of underage girls. Michael Jackson??
I’m not up on the Kennedys. Kerry is the daughter of RFK sr and Ethel, so RFK jr’s sister, and was married to Andrew Cuomo.
There are two Jon Huntsmans, father and son, so not sure which one was on the list. It says `businessman’ so likely senior. Junior was Governor of Utah and ambassador to Singapore, China, and Russia, and served under every President (of both parties) from Reagan to Trump I.

Current Odds from Polymarket:

Who will be named in Epstein files by June 30?

Bill Clinton $81,933 Vol. 66%
Bill Gates $127,118 Vol.61%
Stephen Hawking $214,416 Vol. 36%
Leonardo DiCaprio $209,263 Vol. 37%
Al Gore $3,971 Vol. 35%
Jamie Dimon $3,983 Vol. 33%
Tom Hanks $26,934 Vol. 28%
Hillary Clinton $19,096 Vol. 26%
Larry Page $868 Vol. 26%
Anderson Cooper $455 Vol. 23%
Oprah Winfrey $5,929 Vol. 22%
Ellen DeGeneres $18,988 Vol. 24%
Jay-Z $5,304 Vol. 15%
Robert Downey Jr. $262 Vol. 14%
Joe Biden $5,641 Vol. 10%
Stephen Colbert $896 Vol. 9%
Kirsten Gillibrand $419 Vol. 9%
Barack Obama $301,098 Vol. 9%
Chuck Schumer $576 Vol. 9%
Quinten Tarantino $530 Vol. 9%
Justin Trudeau $6,321 Vol. 7%
Rachel Maddow $1,133 Vol. 6%
Bernie Sanders $4,760 Vol. 5%
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez $5,784 Vol. 2%

Let’s add the Seth Rich laptop to the list.
Seth Rich was a Bernie Bro who was working for the DNC at the time of the supposed 2016 DNC hack, which was blamed on the Russians although none of us have ever seen any evidence that there actually was a hack.
Mr Rich was killed in a supposed robbery on the street in DC, and it has been claimed by some that he, rather than a Russian hack, was the source of the DNC leak. The claim is that he copied the documents to a thumb drive.

For some reason, the FBI/DOJ has resisted releasing details despite Freedom Of Information lawsuits.
According to the link, the FBI has requested to the court that the records be sealed for 66 years in the interest of national security. Maybe there’s no there there, but why seal the records for that long?


Too bad Jeffrey decided to kill himself, otherwise he could be heard on the topic. SAD!

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