Advice on cfa

Hi I am a student which is about to graduate from my degree so I am interested in taking cfa and have done abit of research on it but the answer I found online is about blur can anybody answer some of my question?

  1. Taking cfa and mba what is the difference ? ( in career prospective)

  2. If I would like to go into finance which field would be the place that I get to learn the most?

  3. What is the career route for a cfa as I found online most people go with financial analyst. Is there other road as well?

  4. Let’s say if I take the level 1 exam in December 2017 and I start my studies plan in September (4 hours a day) only self study and not joining any college institution would I be able to make it for the exam? As I see the exam require a lot of time to study on it.