Hold your money in fiat currency. What a ■■■■■■■ joke!
Diversification is a good idea! Diversification is for people who just want average performance (aka people admitting they suck ahead of time)
Leverage is bad. Gimme more margin baby people don’t use enough leverage!
You should always buy your home, so you aren’t spending money on rent! Shut the ■■■■ up boomer, can you even do opportunity cost math
You should own your age in bonds? ■■■■ no, we should use the inverse of our age to determine leverage.
Work for the same company and get a pension. Hell nah, pensions are dead you got to put that stimmy in game stop
Real estate is the way to make money. Buddy, have you not heard of NFTs?
You should use a broker for financial advice. Why the ■■■■ does my broker drive a better car than me?
You should hold all your stocks in American companies. Have you heard of home country bias you ■■■■■■■ boomer?
You should buy dividend stocks. Dividends stocks used to be a proxy for value stocks, but now they do not trade at value multiples. ■■■■■■■ idiot!
Smart people can outperform the market. ■■■■■ whenever a reflective benchmark is found, it turns out the people weren’t outperforming. They were just taking more risk
Stretching before exercise reduces industry. Are you a ■■■■■■■ idiot, stretching before exercise increases injury
Doctors know best. ■■■■■ have you seen most surgeries don’t work better than placebo?
Pluto is a planet. ■■■■■ are you an astronaut
You should strive to be an alpha male. Idiot, don’t you know the beta male has the best role in the hierarchy?
The earth is the center of the universe. You may be able to predict the location of stars at night, but you still an idiot
8 glasses of water a day? Are you a dum dum
Sugar makes kids hyper. No ■■■■■ you a bad dad
UFOs are fake. Have you seen the q drops?
Oh you believe (insert social psychology claim especially if mentioned by gladwell)? ■■■■■ you a sheep