Affiliate Membership

Fellow candidates and Charterholders, I am ready to apply for the affiliate membership with my local CFA society. Before I do so, can any of you give me any sort of advice or information that might be useful to ensure a smooth process? Thanks

^Make sure your work experience is adequate. Not too brief. I got mine rejected because of this and had to resubmit.

Work experience doesn’t need to be approved for Affiliate, only for full. Just complete the application to the best of your ability and knowledge, and be patient, as they process a lot of applications and it can take a while.

Gangrel, My local society does require the following for Affiliate Membership: 12 months of acceptable work experience, two sponsors, and of course, candidacy in the CFA program. I do have all of the above. I hear it can take up to 2 months for the application…well, at least I have the CFA level 3 curriculum to keep me busy. Regards

Interesting. I am in Chicago, and when I applied, they required candidacy in CFA program and two sponsors, but work experience did not need to be approved. I am an affiliate member, and none of my experience has been approved.