All else being equal, 750+ gmat score + "CFA 1" vs "CFA 2" alone

Does anyone as an opinion on the bloomberg aptitude test? :slight_smile:

Do either CFA, MBA or both. Somewhere in between - chances are no one cares, and it is certainly not a position in which you should place any faith.

Aside from anything, if you don’t finish the CFA, you just look lazy

Consider this, if people with time on their hands can’t work out the value of 750 GMAT + L1 & L2, then an employer certainly won’t.

Just finsh what you start - simple.

Remember, if you quit midcourse, you can never state you finished everything you started in life.

I had a score of 770. I wrote Level 2 this June and I am pretty sure I passed it.

I am in a part-time MBA program. So far, the only good thing my GMAT score has brought to me was the 20K entrance scholarship.