Alternative Investment is only 3% of the exam but should not be ignored. Even 3% means that you can expect 7 or 8 questions. This is quite a lot considering that you have only one major reading and one small reading uder this topic.
Having said that, you don’t want to spend too much time on this topic at the expense of ‘heavy weights’ like FRA and Ethics.
Hence I suggest that you understand the main points and the practice questions in the Curriculum. If you have time you can do practice questions from other sources too…
For your benefit I’m including a playlist which will help you grasp the main concepts related to Alternative Investments.
I agree that you shouldn’t skip over this topic just because it’s a small % of the exam. It’s helpful to do a quick review of the topic before the exam to refresh your memory as I found that it’s easy to have this section slip from your mind.
I would say skipped A.I if you dont have the time. On average you would have spend 2 hours ( highly optimistic) on reading it which I reckon I would have spend better 2 hours doing ethics or even F.R.A. Ai is the lowest sharpe ratio i.e. low return over effort.
It is easy no doubt but only pursue it if you have time. 3% is a lot but by not reading you have 1/3 chance and at least you’ll receive 1% unless youre very unlucky. Those time you have spent could be spending on perfecting ethics which increases your chance to pass.