AM Topics Speculation

Ok, guys am reworking mocks in 5 questions blocks from categories derivatives, Fixed Income, Performance Eval, Monitor/Rebalance/Execute, Economics, and equity.

I was thinking working in 5 questions blocks on these categories and going through my answers after working the am question to tighten up how to answer concisely as possible. But thinking overall these categories should have a lot of calculate questions in them.

My thought was if I can pick up like 20% of the AM exam just in calculate questions I could be a better position to crack 60% on the AM. If you look at old tests usually in these categories there is only 1 question from each category. But, that was when the test was 180 minutes.

Now with 135 minutes these categories might not appear on the AM? If they go from 10/11 questions down to 7 IDK know how CFA can keep its weightings in the lower % weighted categories and have that reflective in the AM.

What is everybody thinking about the change in the topics and how many come from categories outside of Individual/Behavior, Asset Allocation, Institutional, and Individual categories?

I would think these sections: Individual/Behavior, Asset Allocation, Institutional, and Individual categories would be easy to combine in questions with different parts. But, with an individual AM test one of these sections would be excluded from test to test; derivatives, Fixed Income, Performance Eval, Monitor/Rebalance/Execute, Economics, and equity. This would make sense to get down from 10-11 vignettes down to 7-8 vignette count. Wouldn’t expect 2 from any category given the change, but that is what I am thinking.

This is pure speculation, but how do you think the weightings of the categories will change in the AM?