In some of the standards, the answers do not explicitly say if it’s a violation or not.
(5B, example 6)
Comment: Because the introduction of a new and different valuation model represents a material change in the investment process, RJZ’s pres ident must communicate the change to the firm’s clients. RJZ is moving away from a model based on hard data toward a new model that is at least partly dependent on the firm’s forecasting skills. Clients would likely view such a model as a significant change rather than a mere refinement of RJZ’s process.
(5B, example 8)
Comment: Morales must disclose the process change to all her clients. Some of Fundamental’s clients might be concerned about the morale and motivation among the firm’s best research analysts after such a change. Moreover, clients might challenge the stock-picking track record of the portfolio managers and might even want to monitor the situation closely. (3C, example 3) Comment: The inheritance has significantly increased Jones’s ability (and possibly his willingness) to assume risk and has diminished the average yield required to meet his current income needs. Jones’s financial circumstances have definitely changed, so Blue Chip managers must update Jones’s investment policy statement to reflect how his investment objectives have changed. Accordingly, the Blue Chip portfolio managers should consider a somewhat higher equity ratio for his portfolio than was called for by the previous circumstances, and the managers’ specific common stock recommendations might be heavily tilted toward low-yield, growthoriented issues. Would the above answers be a violation or not ?