America's problem

It’s actually the most elegant solution possible, simply change the core programming of the AI; add Asimov’s laws. It’s probably more that people have not grasped the post. I’m nothing like Bernie, his thoughts are crude.

Oh I understand how destabilizing it would be, but I did not propose revolution as the solution (that is what clueless Trumpers do). I proposed altering the narrow AI’s programing as the solution, but it will fight you. Perhaps you can walk up and just change the code, but it is assumed in the post this will not be the case. Why? Because you programmed it at first with “maximize profits”, altering the code now to “maximize profits less externalities” is less profits, it conflicts with the original code. It is narrow AI (stupid), and can not understand reasoning.

These are what the “smart” people like Bernie propose, and they will fail. The reason; they do not fix root cause. The machine still has its narrow programming, you have not updated it, and it will continue forward. It will buy overseeers and bargain down fees. It is an immortal robot with infinite resources, and you will fail.

These are strange imaginings which are not in the original post…

LOL, good catch. yes

LOL. PA confused Rambo w/ Charlie Sheen. PA, you think it’s racist to question your nationality? Hmm, I think it’s a valid question as your past posts have alluded to you not being an American nationalist yet you’re obsessed with the American political system and sociological aspects of the country. If you think that was racist, your too sensitive.

As for the nerd comment, sorry mane but you are in fact a nerd. Ever seen Revenge of the Nerds, yeah, your a Triple L…

As for being buddies w/ S2000, I’m one of the very few he’s ever talked trash to so that’s not the case. I think he’s cool but he doesn’t like me because I’m a smarta**.

Haha, still can’t believe you thought Charlie Sheen was Rambo. That’s awesome.

100% probability he’s a Trump supporter lol!


From there probabilities would suggest uneducated old white male with guns , except you somehow passed CFA II.

I agree with a lot of your post, and I think that is what a lot of people have grown tired of. Thats back to the status quo, the last 30 years have been a cycle of people wanting to try and regulate business more and a push back of people telling us those regulations are stopping economic growth so we strip them away. The businesses continue to get larger and large and cause more and more externalities onto the system.

Im not sure where the tipping point will be but at some point enough people are going to be stuck working walmart jobs that they will force through a dramatic change of the system. Candidates like Bernie & Trump show the will is out there currently to get major support for these types of candidates. If things continue to worsen it will only get more extreme.

Right. yes

If you run the model out, you get infinitely increasing externalities and wealth concentration. It is not sustainable. We can reason what is not sustainable will end. It logically ends when the corporate entity cannot cannibalize the homo sapiens any more, when they are so weak they can no longer service the machine, and the machine collapses under it’s own weight. But likely they see their problem before that…

The riddle with the tipping point (when the slaves finally revolt), is that by the time they finally take action, they are so weak they can’t possibly win. Moral of the story; procrastination is a bad habit, address root cause early on while it is easy to address.


Don’t disagree that people are tired, but what is a credible alternative? I don’t see Trump or Bernie proposing anything profound and actually both sound quite dangerous. They just offer something that sounds good on the surface (“we’re going to stop those mean old corporations”, “ban all immigrants”). It’s a complete failure of leadership.

What’s interesting about the Trump/Bernie phenomenon is that it’s not exactly specific to the US. I got the chance over to spend a few months working in Europe. Trump definitely makes the US look particularly ridiculous, but I found the political environment can be just as bad in much of Europe. UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain all have some serious political instability bubbling. It does cause me to think that something deeper is going on (slow global economic growth, wage stagnation, social media, etc…).

The economist had a couple pod costs covering this topic. One noted that political instability is happening across the developed world, while the other noted that a lot of what’s been put on social media is in fact very false, but no one is there to really stop it. Simply, it lacks of a lot of the typical journalist integrity that was more pronounced over the past few decades (clearly they have bias, but what’s new with the boom in social media is a complete disregard for actually having many real facts and even more so, objective analysis of those facts).

I like turtles

I agree & disagree to some extent. Citizens do still hold the power to elect officials. The 2 party system makes sure everyone we vote for is part of the machine but its not impossible for that to change. If real problems were coming about its possible real change could be had, that is to say that the majority of the systems externalities dont harm the majority of Americans. In the future that will likely change and Americans might have to face real problems like those people in the third world face all the time, they may vote for change at that time.

More hitting of the nail on the head. yes

I think when you say “credible alternative” you mean “not painful”. There are no remaining moves on the board which actually address root cause, and are not excruciatingly painful. Thus everyone wants to avoid the topic, more procrastination, which got them here in the first place.

CFABB: completely agree with you, but what BS & DT are selling is “the dream” in a sense that they are telling you the problems that most people can comprehend. They may/may not have the real solutions who the hell really knows, but with the status quo the regular person is tired of getting pissed on and being told its raining. They like hearing someone call a spade a spade and hence the obvious dissatisfaction with mainstream dems & repubs. You are certainly correct its not limited to the US and it does seem to be spreading quickly across the developed world.

Spot on with your point about journalism. Sensationalism and getting material out fast seem to be key as opposed to reporting facts and getting it right. Its why everything needs to be read with such skepticism now and why its easy to see any story coming out being made up.

Just read the initial post and lost a few more IQ points, thanks PA. Your original post is nothing more than bleeding heart liberal jibberish. Maximizing profits IS in humans best interests. The fact that you don’t realize that reflects your understanding of economics. Your utopian society where everything is perfect does not exist. And classifying corporations literally as AI and unstoppable juggernauts incapable of being regulated is just plain retarded. Hopefully you were joking.

You quite clearly not only don’t believe in capitalism…you don’t even understand the effects it has on society. You also don’t understand how highly regulated the American financial system is. Go back to…oh wait, you already live there. Nevermind.

I dont know that the majority of people would agree with that, there are certainly many instances of companies maximizing profits at the expense of entire regions/people etc.

That’s the weakness of the US system, the masses will NEVER understand a complex problem like this, and so if you are waiting for them to “get it”, you’ll wait forever. Which means some politician or revolutionary, who is very smart will need to understand the problem, and lie to the masses selling them on something they can understand, and then somehow launch the solution once they get power. As if the odds of success were not already almost zero!!

Yup the AI is spreading, networking. Locking in other corporations and governments and the global media.

So on your 10th post, you actually read the thread? That doesn’t say good things about your IQ points kiddo. laugh

Obviously maximizing profits without taking into account externalities is not in human best interests. Not political, basic math.

It doesn’t say anything about his IQ points, good or bad.

Interesting that you focused only on the side of that truth that demeaned him.

Not sorry for demeaning the troll who barges into the conversation without even reading the thread and starts insulting people. Did you read the thread? There’s nobody moderating, so I am doing it myself. enlightened

Speaking of which, how would you rate yourself as a moderator? You don’t seem to be doing any actual moderating, just trolling the forum members who are actually respecting the rules. Explain please why you are trolling me, instead of moderating this disruptive person who admits after 10 posts they didn’t even read the thread?

This speaks more to your limited experience and focus than to what I do on this board.

Why don’t you as Chad Sandstedt how _ he _ rates me as a moderator. His opinion is, after all, the only one that really matters.

And why, pray tell, are you taking this thread so far off topic. Aren’t you the one who gets annoyed when people stray from the topic?

It matters to the hundreds of us who have to put up with you trolling our threads, taking discussions off topic, while not doing any needed moderating. enlightened