Incorrect. You and Itera busted in to this thread on pg1 taking us off topic. When I called Itera out on it in his own thread, he simply deleted my post. I of course, can not delete the disruptive mod trolling posts.
I have suggested a user satisfaction survey of the mods in the feedback forum. Since it’s “only me” who finds your performance substandard, I’m sure you will not object.
And so a couple years have passed, correct theories have predictive power. Let’s review events since…
Revolutionaries emerged, declaring 1) the two political parties are just the left/right of the corporatist uniparty , 2) the corporate media/tech oligopolies to be a fake news propaganda network, and 3) that corporatism is rapidly networking globally , and eradicating individual cultures and sovereignty as it goes (aka “globalism”).
We know these claims were true by the reaction; the corporate machine lashed out, in the biggest defamation campaign civilization has ever seen. The population were informed there was a “correct” way to vote, and they were threatened (you are a “misogynist” if you vote wrong). But people voted for the non-corporate endorsed candidate anyhow. Next a corporate-coup took place (which was successful). And a massive man-hate campaign was launched.
That brings us to present day; non-corporate rebel media installations continue to pop up and get huge engagement, which enrages the corporate propaganda machine (oligopolies don’t want new entrants). The media machine has responded with silencing tactics (demonetization, adjustment of search results, modifying sales top ten lists, deleting bad reviews, labeling non-S&P500 propaganda as “fake news”, labeling science/facts “hateful”, etc).
Meanwhile you establishment squares remain clueless. But these kids on Youtube have a surprisingly deep understanding of what’s happening (at least the media aspect)…
Nope. Turd surprised us by getting some important things right, but not showing his work. I provide logical disprovable analyses, just beyond the IQ level of most “analysts” here. That causes some confusion, because if you can’t comprehend the analysis, it just sounds like a bunch of gobbledygook.
It traces something like 80% of America’s problems to one root. Besides, the other 20% can be worked out, but this one will end them. The math already says it’s game over.
Lol PA so mad that politicians don’t put in place more regulations he likes on corporations. Overall I think the US system (while not in the least perfect) has done pretty well compared with countries like China and its 50m dead from starvation. This thread is very much /r/iamverysmart. I’ll also note that you just complained while not saying what you think a superior system would look like.
“kids on youtube” that are employed by alex jones to push his supplements & conspiracy theories? sure dude -
Thank you pa without your massive intellect i would have never saw the light through all this corporatist propaganda. we only have these true knights fighting for US how could we ever know that the corporate propaganda machine was so all knowing & seeing but couldnt survive an attack from the top minds of the world like this guy & QAnon? Such true patriots & you as well PA. I hope youll get an award
China does not have this problem as the government still maintains control over the corporations. This is sort of a basic rule of society, and of capitalism; you can’t have a $25T market cap oligopoly more powerful than the government itself, as there remains no “invisible hand” to keep it in check.
Chomsky is okay, however he ultimately failed to locate root cause. It’s not a failure of morality “those evil republicans and neoliberals”, it’s narrow AI. Morality is irrelevant, if you can not exercise control.
Then it should be easy for you to point out logical errors or factual inaccuracies in that video, and provide a more coherent theory.
Great, then we agree that the root problem isn’t corporations, its political power over the corporations and more generally the degenerating political environment that’s been going on for decades. Here PA, this explains the problem over the years and how it’s gotten to its current form.
I’ll also note that you didnt address the fact that you havent presented an alternative that you’d prefer. Lol you want to shit on the west, lets be real here.
Canned liberal answer. If the left/right could solve the problem, the problem wouldn’t still exist.
There is no government arms race, that can ever match corporate power. Because new government installations simply become captive of corporatism. And smaller government allows corporations to run wild. Individual politicians and voters have no power, as we have seen. And none of this addresses root cause.
Preferences are irrelevant.
Nobody grasps root cause, once they grasp it, they’ll realize there are no alternatives that can be put into place. Why? Because 1) all modifications to “just maximize profit” are less profit, and 2) there is no entity more powerful to force the legal-programming change. This has already been covered, it’s checkmate, the AI takeover scenario. Ted Kaczynski already figured this out, that a society could drift into total dependence on a machine, and by the time it realized, it would be too late.
The short answer is that the machine’s root program is flawed (per capitalism’s own rules). But now it runs on that program, until societal collapse.
And PA seems to be discounting that there have been any issues in the political system in the past decades. The Atlantic link I put in my other post goes through that issue pretty well. Aside from that I think the other big problem is the slowdown in technological growth and people just not seeing the actual gains in lifestyle that existed for some time. We’re living in an era of slower technological advancement and greater income inequality.
Interestingly there’s a concept that single party systems tend to not last more than 70 years, which china is approximately at now. I think its accepted that China has been able to quiet its population to its human rights issues and totalitarianism because its been able to provide economic growth, but now that thats slowing down and probably will slow more, it’ll probably lead to more discontent.