2016 data is three years old. Labor force participation has been increasing since Trump was elected, for whatever reason: a fact that Trump’s administration is usually eager to advertise. Labor force participation was falling before 2016.
What time period should we consider for establishing a positive or negative trend? Well, that needs to be discussed. Also, it’s not clear if increasing labor force participation is a good or bad thing. It could mean that the economy is strong and requires more labor. However, it might also mean that wages are not keeping up with inflation and more people are forced to work.
Yes, for 25-54 year olds the rate bottomed out in 2015 and has been rising since (see below link). I’m not sure a high participation rate is a necessarily good thing; the underlying reasons for that rate are relevant. It’s hard to say if there is a strong trend either way at this point, in my opinion, since leveling off in the 1990s.
Kids can learn and get better. Anyways there’s a saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But that is just wrong. They can still learn but they are close to terminal value so less time to compound!
I’m a registered Democrat and I’m definitely voting for Yang in the Democratic Primary… Otherwise, if Warren wins then I’d likely vote Trump in the General Election.
trump is making america more competitive, and calling out our competitors particularly china. his negotiating tactics imo are working to his favor. he is restricting low npv people immigration, which is a short term boost to gdp but a long term headwind as they age. cons, he is cutting taxes, but not cutting expenditures which is increasing the deficit. he is unable to bring together the nation. he gave tax cuts to the rich. he is attacking hte most productive mega states/cities.
yang wants to help everyone through ubi. wants to cut social security and medicare and give money to everyone. he wants to introduce vat tax, imo a better tax is just a flat tax rate. (it’ll essentially be offset by UBI, and disproportionately tax the rich). I dont like how he wants to give benefits to low tier immigrants. we need to create ways to dissuade them form coming here to limit future liability.
I think a lot of people like Andrew Yang just because he does not spew as much anti capitalist rhetoric as Pocahontas or Bernie, who blatantly vilify certain parts of the population for political gain.
Of course, once you consider that Yang’s policy proposals, it becomes apparent that he’ll need to kill many industries and raise trillions of dollars in taxes.
So, I guess what I’m saying is that personality matters to a lot of people, and also that they don’t really know as much about Yang compared to the others.
technically ubi will stimulate many industries disproportionally helping the ones that serve the poor. with that said vat taxes are also highly regressive and will tax each node in the supply chain causing higher prices to all end users. but the key is the more expensive the good, the higher the tax.
many cos can avoid this form of taxation by becoming vertically integrated. you will essentially kill competition in this manner.
Of course they’re different – but I like them both.
As for Yang: I’m really interested to see what UBI would do for those in the country that are really struggling from day-to-day. It could be a total disaster or it could be a life-changing positive force. No one really knows how it would turn out on a large-scale across the entire US adult population-- but I’d be willing to vote for giving it a shot.
As for Trump: I’m a Democrat – but these days I mostly feel abandoned by my party… and I actually like Trump… so for anyone other than Yang, I’d probably vote Trump (my first time ever voting Republican).