Bern - POTUS
Yang - VP
Tulsi - Sec of State
Trump - Press Sec
Bern - POTUS
Yang - VP
Tulsi - Sec of State
Trump - Press Sec
you should never limit innovation esp if it is the cheaper alternative. if people are worthless get rid of them. they can either adapt to something else or receive ubi as a panacea for their malaise.
quite honestly. if we just opened borders. most americans are already worthless as is.
I think it’s unfair to label him a clown, he’s one of the few politicians that have maintained their political leaning for years without just flowing with public opinion. If you listen to his town hall (or listen to him on rogan’s podcast) you’ll hear his strategy in more detail and although you may disagree with the overall philosophy, it’s logical and sound.
i already think we have a quasi ubi system in place -whether it be government jobs or bull shit corporate jobs which receive tax breaks - not too mention all the social nets. I like yang’s system of cutting the bureaucratic process (a ubi job in itself), removing the selection process and just paying it to everyone.
the savings from ai will go to the rich. which will then be taxed byt the govt. who will give back to the poor in order to prevent riots. so the idea is if there are more savings, then you just increase the taxes on the rich to subsidize the poor at the minimal level where they dont riot.
improving efficiency is better than keeping useless people. you are essentially unfairly giving ubi to certain people as oppose to the masses as a whole. its the same thing, but people will be more selective than govt. aka hire hotter chicks or something.
the data entry people can find something else to do. in the mean time ubi is essentially an unemployment benefit. hell can you imagine if we didnt have social security. we’d have old people doing shit. do you know how slow they are?