Any Free sites for Mock exams / Practice questions / Practice exams ? Suggestions -L1


Can anyone tell me what are the free sites where I can access Mock papers and practice questions after every topic?

#cfa-exam-level-i #test-prep:study-notes #test-prep:mobile-apps #cfa-exam-level-ii:quantitative-methods #cfa-exam-level-ii:ethical-professional-standards #test-prep:practice-exams


Have you checked the candidate resources?

As @Atomic_Sheep indicates above, definitely check out the CFA Institute’s Learning Ecosystem. You have tons of free practice questions there that come with your exam registration. Frankly those will cover your needs for any “end of topic reading” practice questions.

There are also 1 or 2 official mock exams there in Candidate Resources, for CFA candidates. Definitely take those. The actual exam writers are giving you a glimpse at how it will be in real life when you take your test.

For Level 1, Schweser’s 4 mock exams (that you can order separately from their study package) typically are decent additions to, but not substitutions for, the official CFA Institute mock exams.

Cheers and good luck, you got this.

yes, thank you so much.