Anybody in the room...

…who has never got the return objective calculation correct, besides me ??


LOL, here

Never, not once.

Phewww,… i like seeing these names for this thread… YAYY… Edit: Nothing personal guys… I am just sad that i never got it right =(

Here. I did come very close once. The Rodolfo Serra one I input a wrong number in my calculator. Had it all down correct on paper, but go the wrong %i because of the input error. Almost needed a new TI-BAII after that.

mwvt9 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Present. I would like to here your exam strategy for this part if you don’t mind sharing?? Thanks

nailed 08 last weekend. got perfect score on the individual, then bombed the institutional. 05 this morning was a train wreck.

never got it right until I took 2008am… I was really happy after seeing my number upto two decimals matches with the answer sheet number… Hope I keep this straight on 6th.

Me too. Never got it right until this morning when I took the 2008AM. Just wondering if this is because I studied so hard or it was just easy. well, I hope 2009 will be similar to that one.

this is my fav thread…

I actually got the right number in 2008, but then (idiotically) converted it to a pre-tax number. I always find one way to mess it up…but I won’t on Saturday.


anishcandy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------ > > > I would like to here your exam strategy for this > part if you don’t mind sharing?? > Why? I just told you I haven’t got one right yet!

So, just nailed my 2nd return calc…04 individual. Don’t worry though, I made up for it by getting 0 points on the risk objectives. 0 for 3 on the components. awesome.

I nailed the 2008 am return! was pretty stoked until I blew points on the pension “excess return” calc.