I just sat for Level III CFA… looking for some motivation to get started with level II…! Anybody in the same boat?
sat level II cfa…
i got the Kaplan material for CAIA level II and its two “telephone yellow pages” type text… going to read through both books first and decide what needs more attention
good luck with level II !
I shall start with the text as well. My mind is still somewhat numb from last weekend, but trying to get the study mojo back!
Anyone else looking to get started?
Just sat for level 2 CFA and im goin for level 2 in September. Was thinking of using either uppermark or shweser. any thoughts? Used the main books for both CFA levels and CAIA level 1 but id like to give my brain cells a bit of breathing space…
dvictr: howd you do in level 2?
I sat for CFA level II as well. My brain needs a break this month. Then start studying in July. I heard people who used Schweser and Uppermark that either book seemed to be ok, as long as one puts enough time in it. I might go with Uppermark
Barely started the preparation for Level 2. Registered for September exam.
Half way through Private Equity.
Did Level 2 CFA overlap with CAIA Level 1?
If you’ve passed level 2 CFA then you are 2/3ds of the way there. You need maybe about 80-100 hours max to prepare for level 2.