I need to know im not alone people!!! And happy new years everyone.

And by starting I meant starting to study, not starting to worry…

Happy new year I’m on your boat.

Will you be creating a colour coded wall chart? I couldn’t find the schweser on-line planner tool this year - do they still do it?

Still need to register on Monday first. Then i will think about starting…I am starting to panic now hey!

DNAdiver Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Will you be creating a colour coded wall chart? > I couldn’t find the schweser on-line planner tool > this year - do they still do it? they still do it. but it’s been f’d up for months. if you designate days as off days, the calendar forgets it after about a week. i’ve complained numerous times to schweser, but to no avail. if it’s not showing up at all, i think you just need to call tech support.

i have started very little but am starting full throttle this weekend!

Great, my first day back in several months and I go making a new thread about the same thing…rookie mistake. I’m with you; starting next week.

monday it is- buy no self imposed guilt for missing sessions until feb 1 =:0

This week… Hope to…

Not enough hours between this morning’s hangover and tonight’s drinking… I’ll start Sunday night.

Me too …

I’ve been dabbling here and there. Read some of the CFAI material I feel is the most important and have finished reading up to SS13 in Schweser (except SS1 and SS2). I wanted to be done reading all the CFAI stuff by Jan 1, but just got to busy in December and couldn’t put in as much time as I would have liked. I’m starting full bore Monday night. Can’t say I’m overly motivated to do this again, but I’m sure once I get back into that routine the time will pass quickly and it will be time to re-write this biatch.

Going to start today… enough of procrastination now!

Yup. This weekend was devoted to (almost) guilt free partying NYC style. Then next weekend I will begin hitting the books. Won’t be long until I am raging-mad at the pan flute band on the corner of 49th and 7th Avenue when they play that annoying Celine Dion Titanic song for the 20th time while I try to study ethics with ear plugs in.

i have just started reading the last Study Session this week :slight_smile:

I will be starting from today… I have only 151 days … :frowning:

Today…started :frowning:

Thought would start from Jan 1… lo and behold 1st week of Jan has gone… only 150 days left , and all I have read is 20-40 pages here and there… Jan 8 is a good day, no? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Back to surfing the new scandal in Indian markets… Satyam…

Monki… that is not good karma bra.