Are there any late well i started today for level 2 in june

Hi cfaandaicpa ,

Just wanted to check from you, how you have planned & whethere you have studied full time , also whether only schweser will be sufficient. How much hour you were studying daily for that 3 month tenure .& what was your score .Please help us so that we can also plan according to our strength & weaknesses.

Thanks in advance for helping us …

Hi cfaandaicpa ,

Just wanted to check from you, how you have planned & whethere you have studied full time , also whether only schweser will be sufficient. How much hour you were studying daily for that 3 month tenure .& what was your score .Please help us so that we can also plan according to our strength & weaknesses.

Thanks in advance for helping us …

good luck mate … how do we communicate … paosting here is bit messy… any ideas

good luck mate … how do we communicate … paosting here is bit messy… any ideas


hi great encouragement… thanks for sharing the thoguhts… here we go 3 months batch :slight_smile:

'Nother latecomer here. I started studying a few weeks ago. Got through Quant, Econ and am now ~60 pages into FRA. I’ve gotta step it up but I am not overly concerned just yet.

Goal is about 15 hours a week until May and then something like 30 hours a week during May.

Full disclosure, working full time.

30 hrs a week while full time is not possible

I really think you guys should join the skype group. Add me : chaitanyamanot on skype, and I can introduce you to the rest of the group. We’ve covered Equities and will be doing Corp Fin this weekend.

30 hours a week studying is very possible if you got a simple 40 hours a week job

Hi guys, I am latecommer too. Can I join the group too?

Hi, I am also a late commer~ want to join the group too~

Started studying since Feb, but only finished part of the FSA book.

Hi, I am also a late commer~ want to join the group too~

Started studying since Feb, but only finished part of the FSA book.

How does the skype group work? Do you guys just read the text together or do questions or what?

^ lol read the text together??

Haha no I mean like, do you go over general concepts or work on specific problems as a group? Sounds interesting I may ask to join.

at 32 hours at the start of today. done quants, and will be done econ this weekend

starting today, i feel rather behind…

Only studied 27 hrs up to now. 52.5 working hrs / week really killing me…

52.5 hours a week is bad? finance might not be for you.

I know a few bankers pulling 80 hours a week and cleared both L2 and L3 in 1 try. Didn’t hear any complaints from them about it

Just finished up Multinational Operations. Didn’t find SS #6 to be overly challenging. Obviously I don’t remember much of it right now, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary that heavy revision won’t fix.

Still feeling a little behind however.