I just finalized an offer for decent pay hike for a junior position at a different firm. i’ve been dealing with this for about a quarter so i’ve had plenty of time to train-up other staff to ensure an appropriate transition since i know the new firm and their team. Also, for me this means that there’s more $ and growth potential, so this is almost a done deal. I’m comfortable enought that I’ve even let them know two weeks in advance of my 2 weeks notice, to be nice. I.e., i’ve actually giving 30 days notice (official written 2 weeks notice is this Thursday the 30th) but with the intention of them coordinating my replacement and staff changes, and/or make a relaistic counteroffer.
Until now i’ve diligently slowly trained other staff and ensured tasks are getting done and delegated.
but frankly, today was that point where i stopped giving a dam. Still working hard, but also with that hope that they let me go early so i can take a longer vacation between jobs…
Am i jumping the gun? I rarely change jobs, so this feels weird/awkward…
fyi: i like my current firm, so no uncomfortable ‘resignation’ is involved here.