Attention Lazy Mask Wearers

Once again with the straw man. I’m not saying that the rate of death is that high compared to other viruses (There, bolded and underscored to boot), but it doesn’t hurt to make precautions. Simple things such as keeping your distance and wearing a mask while shopping indoors are simple and cheap ways to keep cases down. Is that too much to ask!? If you don’t want to wear a mask when shopping at Costco either because you think the virus is a hoax or because you have an underlying medical condition, you can always order things online. And before you ask, no, if you are outside and at a distance from others, you don’t have to wear a mask. The risk of death is low, as I already mentioned twice now. However, there is also the long-term health risk caused by the virus.

I have no issues with wearing masks. But a lot of the rules are pure ridiculousness. For instance once you get covid it’s essentially like getting the vaccine. Some would argue even stronger. Yet they are still recommended to wear a mask. And the cdc even acknowledges that the spread post covid is minimal. The rate of getting sick for a second time is almost rare. Yet in their own guidelines it states that we should still wear a mask to make other people feel better. I have no issues with good policy but this is senseless. Their only claim is that people don’t really know this disease so it is best to be extra cautious. That is fine. But I rather be cautious after the fact rather than every what if scenario people can think of. Long term risk of covid, what are the odds? Or are we just scared of every little thing nowadays…

The whole point is to not infect others. I thought this was obvious by now.

read above. that’s not the reason why they recommend wearing a mask.

as for the long term effect:
COVID-19: Research points to long-term neurological effects

information from the CDC

because this is apparently not obvious:
just because your immune response is strong enough to fight off the virus and you don’t show much or any symptoms, that does NOT rule out the possibility that others infected through YOU will experience health issues as a result of YOU infecting them. Everyone’s immune response is different.
Of course, older people and people with preexisting conditions are at a higher risk for obvious reasons.

that’s why doctors are urging people to wear mask, particularly when shopping indoors and to maintain their distance.

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Here you go. When I was sick I read the entire thing anyways for people who have covid reinfection is rare. It has been ticking up. So they are thinking it ain’t forever but the numbers are minimal. I’d find it specifically but I can’t ctrl f on my phone.


Who cares what “some” argue? Who are these some?

Is this argument backed by any scientific evidence?

You don’t understand that if there is no data and evidence, you need to act with caution. Yes, people may have immunity after they get Covid. But they might not have it for long, either. We don’t know. Do we know how long this immunity lasts? 1 month, 3 months, 1 year? No.

So if you don’t know, how can you base your policy decisions on your ignorance about an issue? Just because it looks senseless to your smart brain???

Senseless to you, not for a rational person.

You want to open the economy. Do you think rational careful people like me will get into Walmart or any other business if we see that half of the people are maskless? How will I know that the maskless people all already had Covid but not just regular Trump supporters who think Covid is a hoax?

If people like me avoid to go to those businesses, how can you even expect to recover the economy? Do you think I am going to any restaurant to eat? There are no restrictions in Florida on restaurants. Yeah, dumb Trumpers may go there but restaurants are still pretty empty because smart people avoid to go there.

DeSantis is thinking yeah, man. I am saving the restaurants. no, moron. You make sure that almost half of the society are discouraged to go to these businesses because you dont enforce any restrictions there.

Dude, I amazed that after 10 months of this pandemic you still have managed to keep yourself pretty ignorant on the issue.

Reinfection is rare for how long? If a person does not get reinfected one month after they had Covid, it does not mean that they will not get reinfected after two months.


Because we don’t know how long the immunity lasts.

Or for example, someone gets the disease and has mild symptoms. They get immunity. Three months passes. They get reinfected. But this time since they already had the virus, their immune system is strong and they don’t show any symptoms at all so they go on to their daily life. But not having symptoms does not mean that you don’t spread the virus to the people around you.

And that is the whole ■■■■■■■ point of wearing masks. If you have the virus, you don’t spread to other people. It is not about protecting yourself. It’s about protecting others if you have the virus unknowingly.

Again, I need to reiterate that I am amazed for how you kept yourself so ignorant on the issue even after 10 months of it. There is a no single bit of scientific thought process in your arguments.

Ok it’s been 13 months since covid started. The amount of reinfection have risen from something like 5 a few months ago to a few hundred in the us. It is increasing exponentially but guess what. There are 20m confirmed cases and prolly a total of 30 to 40m people who already had it. So those are your key stats for reinfection and my personal opinion on that key stats is that it is rare to get reinfected. I’m sure over time that number will increase, then you can panic. But it is clear that immunity lasts a lot longer than people think. Most people who have weak immune systems usually get reinfected after 3 months.

If we aren’t going to shut down the way China is. I see no point with these half assed ineffective measures. Either they ramp up it to the point that we wipe covid out, or they let loose and get to herd immunity faster. This delay game is silly. It’s not apparent yet but a lot of companies have issued a ton of debt. And the next economic downturn, they are dead men walking.

What a good story. I’m sure you used your data on a tiny sample size of people who got reinfected. Anyways this is silly. Yes that argument makes sense but the odds are slim. I don’t really see the point in arguing. You’ll conjure up any story that fits your ideology. The odds are slim to none to get reinfected, literally less than 0.01 percent

Who cares what you see or not? You are just an ignorant Dunning-Krugger sample, dude.

Wearing masks is the most effective tool against this virus other that locking up whole cities for months. Your cannot accept this fact does not make it untrue. It just makes you an ignorant moron. lol

Well, science is my ideology. If I don’t know something, I say I don’t know. As we get more data as time passes and it proves what you say, that is fine. Until then, I will not take a risk for an unknown issue just because you want to play optimistic fool.

We see what the optimistic fools caused in the last one year in the US?

500.000 deaths because of morons like you.

All I’m saying is 500k is really nothing when compared throughout other historical pandemics especially when you break down the age groups that are dying. Not all life is worth the same.,and%2065%20years%20and%20older.

675k people died in the 1918 pandemic (in USA). Despite everything advancing, we’ll probably wind up near the 600k mark by the time this is all over.

Unless by historical pandemic, you’re referring to the plague. In which case yes, fewer Americans died during that one.

you cant look at deaths as a nominal number. you have to do it as a percentage of the population. which was at 100m vs 330m today. also the mortality rate was more much higher for younger people. spanish flu killed about 50m to 100m worldwide vs around 2b people 1918. covid has killed 2.5m vs around 7b people in 2021. people who participated in ww1 underreported the deaths. they prolly knew yall would panic. black death killed about 200m people worldwide vs 400m population in 1350s.

Wow, dude, you are worse than I noticed. hahaha.

In historical pandemics did they not have the technologies we have, moron? Let alone medical techonologies, did they have CDC? Did they have communication technologies to disseminate crucial precautions to take to the masses in seconds or even days or weeks?

Not all life worth the same? So you say that you are fine with 500K people dying because you cannot bring yourself to the fact that wearing masks are effective against spread of the virus. Hahaha.

By the way 1918 Pandemic killed around 600K people in the US if I am not wrong. We are close to that number 100 years after that. Because of morons like you.

You are brain dead. And you blame me for following an ideology. That is the funny thing. You could even belittle the lives of 500K people.

Yes, spanish flu killed 600K people in a maybe 100 million US back then. Today Covid killed 500K in 330 million US.

But how can you overlook the fact that one life is one life.

When 9/11 happened did you just say well we lost 58K in Vietnam in a 200 million country. We just lost 3000 in 300 million? So that is totally OK. Did you say that after 9/11, moron?

I bet you did not.

So based on your logic if we should ignore any future pandemic as long as it is not as deadly as Spanish Flu. Why care for them if it is not as deadly.


Your logic totally impresses me.

us is prolly one of the worst countries to get hit with covid and not as bad during spanish flu. but id still say spanish flu was a lot worse.
lol one life is not one life? if i was 80 yo. i wouldnt midn trading my life for a 18 yo. if you dont see the difference then ur pretty dumb. and im usually pretty selfish. but at that point im just living to die.
yep pretty much. i dont think we should have wasted trillions of dollars to go to war for 9/11. it definteily gave us a just cause, but imo a better cause is containing nuclear proliferation especially in our enemies.
first of, they didnt even do much do contain the spanish flu. anyways with that said if the average guy has a 99.7% chance of surviving. id say you shoiuldnt have to quarantine
i think it silly to create a blanket rule when it should be specific to the demographic. now with that said idont mind wearing a mask, but mostly due to social norms and idont want to offend anyone. i am just arguing about the stupidity of it all.
there is nothing scientific. there is a lot of disinformation. the odds of getting reinfected with covid is rare. and close to nonexistent. yet most answer that question with yes you can get it again. and when people say they dont know that is simply fearmongering.

So you would give your life to save the life of an unknown 18 year old?

OK, let’s test that. There are many 18 year olds waiting for liver, lung, heart transplants. Why don’t you give your heart to one of them and save his/her life?

C’mon dude. Do as you preach!!!:joy::joy::joy:

You are full of ■■■■!