Average salary Charterholder

What is the average salary for a charterholder? Do you think the CFA designation warrants a higher salary?

I know this is pretty broad but I’d like to get an idea for salary of 25-35yo with a few years’ experience. High COL cities vs low COL cities.

i assume it’s something like 90k-220k USD depending on city COL.

Some CFA local chapters do salary surveys, fwiw

I guess it really depends on what you do. I don’t think CFA charter warrants a higher salary. Sure, there is correlation but I don’t think it is a causation. In NY, and in my field, the 25 year old could make around 140k all in whereas the 35 year old could make around $600k all in.

Even with a “CFA level 3 candidate” on my resume I’ve noticed increased interest from recruiters (I’m guessing CFA is a keyword in their search filters, just the way I use “CFA” or “financial modeling” in my job searches). I think that’s the value added by the charter - you are more noticeable. I don’t know if there’s a “CFA” premium in salaries per se, but by being more saught after you could end up with better compensation.

When you’re at the lower ranks, my experience has been you can successfully use the CFA in your salary negotiations. There’s a very specific way you have to pitch it (a magician never reveals his secrets)

In Toronto, CFA makes $15 an hour. You can find CFAs working as a teller or advisors.


^ Better off driving uber or babysitting than working 60 hours at $15/hr (CAD too…)

Thanks to mass immigration and no growth.

Vote JT.

don’t blame mass immigration… blame HRP’s conservative and protectionist policies for lack of growth in Canada. Haven’t you learned anything from the economic sections of the CFA curriculum?

Also interested in this. for a guessing game: what does anyone think a 30 yr fixed income credit analyst who now has a CFA charter should make on average? Say Boston is the location.

Canada is pretty good in my view. Haven’t had recession in what 30 years?

Why would there be a recession when there was no growth? Now, don’t pull out the GDP growth rate out of the hat and quote here. I mean, the Canadian economy never really grew to its potential. There are a few reasons for it 1) population growth rate 2) lack of competitive spirit 3) poor immigration system

We like the status quo.

Canada is probably the richest country on the planet if you monetize all the resources that it has but we need strong leadership in this country to mobilize people and bring true capitalism. At present, we have a mix of capitalism and socialism going on which is not helping much. The country needs a lot of new people who are young and educated. Most of the people live around the coast and there is literally nothing in the middle. Maritime is slowly dying while Greater Toronto and Vancouver are having tremendous growth.