Being Single vs married :How old do yo have to be to quit ?

“Self-activation” doesn’t count.

Egg or chicken probelm.

You lost performance and that’s why you are too old to have fun or you became old and hence lost performance??

Marry her if you don’t see yourself not being married to her.

No mutual activation is what it is,by the way is phone sex mutual or self ?

The moderator in me feels like I should start trimming these discussions because they are so immature, but there’s the part of me that is just curious just how much embarassment posters are willing to heap onto themselves.

Back in high school I just thought Married with Children was justr a funny show. These days as I look at my male friends and my life the show is very accurate and a whole lot less funny now that I’m living it.

I’m saying this from a male and female perspective. Your dreams and your spouses die as you sacrifice for your children.

BUT I have awesome boys so I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Nothing more fullfiling than watching your children growth.

One of those instances where the missing apostrophe makes a lot of difference.

But I actually agree with this and with ^. Being a parent is the most rewarding experience in my entire life.

One of my best friends proposed to his GF this weekend. Now this is a guy that would chase anything, but he found a great girl that is far too good for him yet thinks he’s awesome.

I think it’s worth if for the right woman if you can effectively handicap how you will both grow over time. I personally don’t think I would ever do it, but it has an appeal. The problem for me is the 50 year growth trajectory, that seems awfully difficult to predict for one person, let alone two people together. Good luck though if you choose that woman numi, she sounds like a keeper based on what you wrote.

Asian chicks for the win.

Your a wise man!!!

I find the following saying quite applicable with marriage also. “Men want the women to stay the same after marriage. Women think they can change men after marriage. Both sides most times end up dissappointed.”

Bchad, yous a straight G sir (no homo)! I knew you’d go to bat for me and keep me off of the ban watch list.

As a recently divorced man, let me chime in with a thought or two…

Nah, you young bucks need to learn some things for yourselves.

Do your best to stay there! Just don’t post until at least 12 hours after you’ve hit the bar. Then tell us the story. :-p

Write your wisdom.

My experience is that they flip like a switch and will argue over the dumbest shit. Source: about to marry one.


Yep, I ended up gettting married in my early/mid 30s. Part of it was the person I was with and the confidence that we wanted the same things, part of it was wanting a family and part of it was wanting to make that commitment and take the next step in my personal growth.

One thing I would say: if you are going to get married, discuss living arrangments, lifestyle choices and money beforehand. My wife and I share everything and can see all of our finances on mint. This is hard for some people, especially if they came from a family with ugly divorce or a family where people hide money. A friend of mine and his wife got married 3 years ago and were not straight up with each other about assets. They are having a tough time and will probably get divorced over money issues and other trust issues stemming from that. I know this is a CFA forum and we like to try to project things and make assumptions and consider opportunity cost. That’s great, but all of that is garbage if you are poor at assessing people. Your spouse should be the person you trust the most in the world to look out for your best interests. Perhaps more importantly, you should be the person that she trustsmost. If you can’t be truthful (including not hiding things) with each other then you should not marry.

^ This is true.

Been out for awhile and avoiding RR’s fetish of SKR and whoever XRAY is… Anyway, bchad. Great post.