Being Smarter Than Your Significant Other

steph96 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > nuppal Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I would say the one area where I out-stride > Jenny > > is current events, she knows how dialate Kate > > Gosselins vag got after the 27th kid > cartwheeled > > out, however, she doesn’t read about (or much > less > > care about) the Micro finance movement in the > > United States, or how equities will perform in > > 2010, or who the next ECB president will be. > > > > I would say that you are dating a very typical > 20-something chick. Many of my girlfriends are > the same way: very smart and talented, but choose > not to speak up on certain topics (like current > events & politics) b/c they are not to the point > where they care enough to pay attention and speak > intelligently in a convo. On the other hand, they > could recite every stupid detail from the lastest > issue of People or US Weekly. It drives me nuts. I think you’ll find a strong correlation between this and several previous male posters saying they are attracted to pretty-but-dim girls who will clean and cook for them after marriage. Many women are intimidated about speaking out in public as they feel it is seen as unfeminine. This effect is evident as much in the work place as in social spheres. I’m actually surprised by how strong the machismo has been on this thread, particularly from some posters who are usually more balanced on other matters. If that is representative of 20/30something guys working in finance in general then I don’t think you or your girlfriends should be too hopeful of breaking the glass ceiling any time soon.

Mmmm, I just don’t date dummies because they are boring to me, I am boring to them, and we have nothing to talk about. It’s not really that hard to find smart people if you look in the right places or run in the right circles. Edit: if you’re in Florida all bets are off.

^Eureka, please do elaborate, because I really don’t want to start going to the physics and math department mixers at local universities to get into the right “circles.”

@Carson, Not sure what you’re saying. Jenny is by no means dim, she just hampers herself with the sh!t she feeds her mind. We actually took Finance 311 together in college and she got a 94 while I ended up with a 93. She still gives me crap about that…

nuppal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BANANANANANANAAAAA’s HA!!! See you like that joke, don’t you!!! Carson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Many women > are intimidated about speaking out in public as > they feel it is seen as unfeminine. This effect is > evident as much in the work place as in social > spheres. I don’t necessarily think women feel it’s unfeminine to speak out in public forums or situations, but more likely they’re uncomfortable in doing so. The majority of women won’t comment on matters unless they are very well versed in the subject being discussed for fear of being viewed as uneducated or inexperienced. The majority of men on the other hand will throw any bs into a conversation just for the sake of being heard.

daviskr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > nuppal Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > BANANANANANANAAAAA’s > > HA!!! See you like that joke, don’t you!!! > > > > Carson Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Many women > > are intimidated about speaking out in public as > > they feel it is seen as unfeminine. This effect > is > > evident as much in the work place as in social > > spheres. > > I don’t necessarily think women feel it’s > unfeminine to speak out in public forums or > situations, but more likely they’re uncomfortable > in doing so. The majority of women won’t comment > on matters unless they are very well versed in the > subject being discussed for fear of being viewed > as uneducated or inexperienced. The majority of > men on the other hand will throw any bs into a > conversation just for the sake of being heard. I agree. And this is the reason women make up something like 10%-15% of senior business and political positions. Why do you think women are uncomfortable discussing subjects in which they have little expertise but men are not similarly restrained?

Yeah, I find math to be more of a need to do, rather than a want to do. From your post, it looks like you feel the same way. I think numi has the right idea. Go to an arts related event: author reading, concert, museum, concert in museum. Go to some charity related thing or volunteer. Generally speaking, people who attend these types of things are going to be more interesting (I guess that’s a euphemism for intelligent here), more empathetic and more sensitive. This also makes for great networking. Obviously, if you have friends that you like and respect then this kind of happens naturally? Whatever, this is just where I tend to meet smart people (most probably smarter than me), some of whom are women.

I’m glad I started a revolution. In reading the stories that everyone has provided, I think it’s safe to say that my girlfriend knows much much more than me about literature, poetry, music, movies, etc. She’ll often reference things that I simply won’t get in that regard. Same situation with Nuppal’s gal and the pop-culture stuff too.

To add to this; My mom got her masters in French Literature and is considering getting her PhD in the same field. She taught at GT and Emory in the same study as well. However, she can’t even read her Oppenhiemer statements…

you guys sure are quick to complain when in reality you are being a bit hypocritical. Some admittedly want to chase ditsy tail while young and don’t want real sustenance until you are 30+. So how would this work… girls are to either a.) pass 16-25 alone or b.) somehow magically convert into educated and cultured women @25?? I know its fluffy, but there really is an issue whereby young girls motivations in development are twisted and its due to what the ideal girl has turned into. Priorities are looks and possessions- not skills and talents. Thats unfortunate but true, just go to the mall and check out the pre-teens. How many dads are pragmatic anymore- advising their sons to look for a lady with qualities beyond the typical. All to often they themselves set the poorest of examples (read mid life crisis) and live vicariously through their sons. Fun in youth is all good- but there must be a core of understanding where the value of a companion really lies. My parents incessantly taught me growing up that money and looks didn’t matter in the end.

I think that it is becoming apparent, again, that AF users do not represent the typical tranche of males. I know for a fact that my relationship with Jenny would be more enriching if we had debates about higher powers and how the economy in Australia affects the fishing industry of India. Sure, being hot and clueless is fun for a night, but I can safely say i had my fair share of that crap in college and it gets old, fast. I think what it comes down to is this; When we are single and just want to be promisc. we chase the young, ditzy, and shallow tail. However, as we mature, we look for a comprimise between looks and mental capacity. I couldn’t deal with a girl that thought watching Americna Idol was “keeping up with current events.” One of my good friends is a smart guy but holy crap, his girlfriend is dense, I don’t know how he deals with it. They get in fights pretty often because she just cannot grasp what he is trying to say to her…

nuppal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think that it is becoming apparent, again, that > AF users do not represent the typical tranche of > males. > Trache of males! I love it!

I get the whole sleep around when you’re young thing, but I don’t understand having a dumb or uninteresting SO. I mean, generally people spend a lot of time with their SO and if you think those things then I cannot see how you can have a good relationship. I guess if you date somebody who is dumb but quiet then it’s like hanging out by yourself and you get the physical benefits? Seems like a bad compromise to me.

@eureka: see this is where I run into problems, because my personal/political beliefs (see here:,1096498,page=1) are often at odds with the type of SEEMING;Y smart people that attend these events; and I say seemingly because at least half aren’t there for themselves, they are there to be seen, to appear smart, to think of themselves as smart and cultured, or to be able to talk to others about where they have been and what they have seen (i.e. not for their own bodys’ and minds’ enrichment). Let me elaborate, while I don’t consider myself a Republican (or a Dem or Indep for that matter) many of my thoughts/ideas/beliefs are often interpreted as such by simpletons. And despite these beliefs, I love to visit museums, art galleries, and read in my free time. Now if you listed these qualities alone (aside from the background on me you may get from the above link and aside from it being posted on AF) on their own, you are more likely to run into a person with a liberal arts education, who may be rather intelligent, and have a high level of scholastic aptitude and achievement. At least this is what I have found when attending such functions. The problem is this, the majority of women I have met that fit this profile are Obama groupies to the extent that they make 14 year old girls in the presence of the Backstreet Boys circa 1997 look, well, like child’s play. The blind belief is this bumbling idiot is enough to want me to castrate myself immediately with a dull and rusted knife. Ergo my problem, I haven’t stopped looking but for the moment I have resigned myself to chasing hot young tail with a shelf of life of <30 days (I am 24 after all), I guess you can call me jaded. At this point they are no longer a SO they are a conduit to my physical needs and desires, I go elsewhere to get my fill of intellectual stimulation: parents, a few very close friends, books, internet, blogs (and believe me I have had more meaningful/interesting/unique discussions in the last 30 days with people here than I have had in the last 2 years of relationships with women!).

People are horrible at making practical decisions when emotions are involved. Thats why there are so many f*ed up relationships. People dont accept that their SO is just the way they are and they cant change them. I am never going to make an exhibitionist a housewife and no one is going to make me a Twilight character. Know yourself first and then you can find someone else who compliments you, challenges you, etc, etc. I make my judgments about the other sex and predispositions by facts in my surronding environment. Ex, women who dont take money to bars, dont think they have to wait in line, college cheerleadering being the number 1 activity of pharma reps, ex Miss CA having “meeted” Trump, reading Cosmo or People doing cardio when I am reading these damn CFAI texts. They are studying for their MRS degree, I am studying for the CFA designation.

CPierce Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I was in love right there. She realized that the > present value of MBA had a negative IRR for her. Funny, I decided to propose as soon as my GF made a similar statement. Unfortunately I have good friends that still can’t do the math. While I consider my writing not at all good, I end up with a lot of it. English is only my second language, but so few people care to spend time writing that my limited abilities get me a long way. That said, I am unlikely to judge anyone purely on their writing.

My ex-wife is way smarter than most girls I’ve known (now she creates large stochastic optimization and routing algorithms for a living) and I enjoyed our intense critical-thinking debates about a myriad of topics you typically don’t talk about with a chick but with your smartest friends. My current wife has an average intelligence, and those interesting debates never came back, however she’s a really good person and has some virtues I would never have, and I just enjoy my time with her. Her intelligence was the least of my concerns when I married her. I think you have to accept there’s no perfect spouse out there, and if there’s, maybe he/she doesn’t want to marry you anyway, lol.

Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I think you have to accept there’s no perfect > spouse out there, and if there’s, maybe he/she > doesn’t want to marry you anyway, lol. Haha…+1

Be careful not to confuse “Intelligence is important” with “Intelligence is the only thing that’s important.” I think the important aspects of intelligence are that your partner is smart enough that: * You don’t get bored spending long periods of time with each other. * You respect his/her judgement enough to trust the quality of decisions that they make on their own.

bchadwick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Be careful not to confuse “Intelligence is > important” with “Intelligence is the only thing > that’s important.” > > I think the important aspects of intelligence are > that your partner is smart enough that: > > * You don’t get bored spending long periods of > time with each other. > * You respect his/her judgement enough to trust > the quality of decisions that they make on their > own. Just to collaborate with the new 2010 spelling improvement trend on AF, it’s “judgment”, not “judgement”. I agree with bchadwick’s point.