Being Smarter Than Your Significant Other

Adavydov, just a little advice whether or not you take it, is up to you. Try connecting with the “groupies” by discussing the commonalities of your beliefs. Like instead of saying, “women are stupid” say “the ex gfs Ive had have led me to question the reasoning ability of young women in general”. I had similar issues when I was your age, now 32, but having a strong opinion about something, especially when young, comes across as abrasive most of the time. Perhaps find common ground that you believe “Presidents in the last several terms have led you to become jaded about politicians in general”. Ill bet it will be much easier to converse with these folks by finding things you have in common vs. things you dont.

Good advice Biz, I may give it a go. But like I said I’ve pretty much given up looking for serious stuff for the moment, and am jaded not only politicians but on women also (at least until I have some of my faith restored…not holding my breath on this one though). PS “Like instead of saying, “women are stupid” say “the ex gfs Ive had have led me to question the reasoning ability of young women in general”.” This statement is fing hilarious.

More on avoiding confusion: Don’t confuse “bright,” with “knows much.” Some people know an inordinate amount of stuff, and yet aren’t very bright. There are others (even some here) who are probably very bright, but don’t really know very much. Closely related: don’t confuse “intelligence” with “wisdom.” Some wise people are not necessarily all that intelligent, but they are nonetheless perceptive. Many intelligent people are not very wise, though some may become wise with time. Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing you don’t put a tomato in a fruit salad.

Great observation bchadwick. I was thinking the same thing. I hang out with a lot of attorneys, mostly not by choice, and while I grant that they have to be intelligent to pass the CA bar, wisdom is generally not one of their characteristics. At least the young ones. They have opinions on everything, whether they know even the slightest bit about it. Wisdom is knowing what you dont know. Too many intelligent people know what they know, but dont know what they dont know.

Bchad: a king among men.

I like to think of my perfect girlfriend wearing a tuxedo t-shirt, like she saying “hey i’m here to be formal and all, but i like to party.”

Tuxedo body paint.

Intelligence is always an attraction, whether it be book smart or street smart. Personally, looks do nothing for me (of course, if he is smart and nice to look at, bonus!) as long as the guy isn’t 300 lbs. and doesn’t make me throw up in my mouth when I look at him. No perfect SAT score, perfect math or writing skills, or ivy-league education is needed because those things are circumstantial. What matters is that the person has a desire and willingness to learn new things everyday and shares what he knows with me. Indifference to the improvement of oneself has got to be the worst turnoff, mentally and physically. From experience, when I learn that the guy can carry a conversation, loves his mother, loves to learn, and has a good heart, the physical attraction increases. I assume that most of you guys would agree with that regarding girls.

My girl DOES put tomato’s in a fruit salad. Drives me crazy.

nuppal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I like to think of my perfect girlfriend wearing a > tuxedo t-shirt, like she saying “hey i’m here to > be formal and all, but i like to party.” i was married in a tux t shirt and my wife a wedding gown t shirt… have a great story on that one

mcpass Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My girl DOES put tomato’s in a fruit salad. Drives > me crazy. That’s brutal. I’ve never even heard of that.

One time in Nanjing I got a banana split, basically cause I really wanted some ice cream. They put tomatos on the banana split…maybe it’s really thought of as a fruit over there, not just a vegetable that is scientifically classified as a fruit.

I guess you should be happy that it didn’t come with dried shrimp on top… wait, that’s Japan…

goldenboy09 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > nuppal Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I like to think of my perfect girlfriend wearing > a > > tuxedo t-shirt, like she saying “hey i’m here > to > > be formal and all, but i like to party.” > > > i was married in a tux t shirt and my wife a > wedding gown t shirt… have a great story on that > one Pics or it doesn’t exist

chitasan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Intelligence is always an attraction, whether it > be book smart or street smart. Personally, looks > do nothing for me (of course, if he is smart and > nice to look at, bonus!) as long as the guy isn’t > 300 lbs. and doesn’t make me throw up in my mouth > when I look at him. No perfect SAT score, perfect > math or writing skills, or ivy-league education is > needed because those things are circumstantial. > What matters is that the person has a desire and > willingness to learn new things everyday and > shares what he knows with me. Indifference to the > improvement of oneself has got to be the worst > turnoff, mentally and physically. > > From experience, when I learn that the guy can > carry a conversation, loves his mother, loves to > learn, and has a good heart, the physical > attraction increases. > > I assume that most of you guys would agree with > that regarding girls. I agree with what you’re saying chitasan - all except the “looks do nothing for me” part. And I’ll add that he needs to be funny, which is a form of intelligence in itself. I like to laugh.

Black Swan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > goldenboy09 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > nuppal Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > I like to think of my perfect girlfriend > wearing > > a > > > tuxedo t-shirt, like she saying “hey i’m here > > to > > > be formal and all, but i like to party.” > > > > > > i was married in a tux t shirt and my wife a > > wedding gown t shirt… have a great story on > that > > one > > > Pics or it doesn’t exist our deisgn that they used

FreeRider Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I agree with what you’re saying chitasan - all > except the “looks do nothing for me” part. And > I’ll add that he needs to be funny, which is a > form of intelligence in itself. I like to laugh. +1. Who the heck says “looks do nothing for me”? While I agree physical attraction is not the end all in a relationship, it is very important to sustain a successful one.

> not just a vegetable that is scientifically classified as a fruit. Sorry, can’t resist the hijack on this one… Botanically, a tomato is the ovary, together with its seeds, of a flowering plant. Therefore it is a fruit or, more precisely, a berry. By U.S. tariff laws, a tomato is considered a vegetable. The applicable law defined produce by its use and not its scientific classification. And from a culinary point of view, a tomato is a vegetable. What are Fruits and Vegetables True fruits develop and contain seeds within the fruit (e.g. raspberries and oranges for example). Some plants have soft parts which contain the seeds and are not true fruits (“pomes” like the apple or pear, accessory fruits like the strawberry and fig). In cooking, fruits may be called vegetables because of the their use and the tomato therefore is used as a vegetable. Other botanical fruits used as vegetables include eggplants, cucumbers, and squashes such as zucchini and pumpkins. Also a bean pod is technically a fruit. The vegetable is a term used for other edible parts of plants (such as cabbage leaves, celery, and potatoes) which are not the fruit of the plant. So the tomato is the fruit of a tomato plant, but a vegetable for cooking. Vine Analogy Like the grape, the tomato grows on a vine, and is considered a berry, and berries are fruits. A tomato is definitely a fruit. That’s why it contains seeds. But most people would call it a vegetable. It’s often used as vegetables are used. A tomato is a fruit - fruits have interior seeds - vegetables don’t. More specifically, the tomato is a “berry”. At any rate, the term “vegetable” is a culinary term, so a tomato could be a fruit, served as a vegetable. The distinction is blurred by the labeling of “ketchup” as a vegetable when it is more properly a nutritional condiment. The US Supreme Court, in 1883, defined the tomato as a vegetable in Nix v. Hedden, but acknowledged that it was botanically a fruit. (see related link) — “Knowledge is to know that a tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is to know not to put one in a fruit salad.”

^ Kill-Joy moment of this thread.

daviskr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > +1. Who the heck says “looks do nothing for me”? Two types of people: the blind and the those who have walked the eight fold path