Books to Read

Null, I recently read a book called, Fear,Greed & Panic - Psychology in the Market , (Wiley) Fairly interesting, coveres bubbles such as south sea, tulips, florida, equity markets. Includes some worthwhile sections on the psychology of trader’s and other market participants, ect

What do you guys think of the intelligent investor?

George Tenet: At the Center of the Storm

Fear, Greed & Panic - haven’t got it but looks interesting -,-Greed-and-Panic:-The-Psychology-of-the-Stock-market/ The Intelligent Investor - anything by Ben Graham is gospel…probably the ideal companion to G&D unfortunately it’s written 49 years ago and is 267 pages long - so gen-y kids won’t read it - too busy poppin’ zits I guess…

Intelligent Investor is good, I own the original but liked the new version (it includes both the original and some guy offering his insight), I would spring for the new one.

I liked the intelligent investor. Bruce Greenwald’s book on Value Investing is a good follow up to that.

I took CFA exams only because I want to drive a lambo, get laid, play playstation 3 and do some dope. Now you tell me to read more books?! Give me a break, man! BTW, what’s the correlation of knowledge and money anyway?

bout the same as the correlation between having a CFA charter and money. Quick quizz: - How many on the Forbes list are CFA charterholders? - Nil Closer to home: - How many on the Alpha top earner list are CFA charterholders? - Nil And what about bufftet, bogle, templeton, soros, lynch, etc, etc, etc - Nil again… Seein’ a pattern yet? now, why are you doin’ the CFA thing again?

CFAI’s survey says CFA holders earn more than non-holders.

Null & Nuller… He may not be as rich as Buffett but Benjamin Graham is the unofficial father of the CFA program. It was he who advocated putting the program together back in the 40’s I think.

I don’t think anyone who owns a copy of Klarman’s Margin of Safety is willing to loan it to you. It’s one of the most stolen books at Libraries. Try to book some time in the reserve section bc they won’t let you read it unsupervised. Null&Nuller as a Gen-Y’er I must say that for the most part you are correct. But I’ve read and own a copy of the original Intelligent Investor and Ben Graham’s Security Analysis (so maybe I’m a freak).

ValueAddict Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don’t think anyone who owns a copy of Klarman’s > Margin of Safety is willing to loan it to you. > It’s one of the most stolen books at Libraries. > Try to book some time in the reserve section bc > they won’t let you read it unsupervised. > > Null&Nuller as a Gen-Y’er I must say that for the > most part you are correct. But I’ve read and own > a copy of the original Intelligent Investor and > Ben Graham’s Security Analysis (so maybe I’m a > freak). Can someone tell me why this Klarman’s Margin of Safety is worth more than all the books Null&nuller has recommened? Mr. Klarman can’t be smarter than all those authors. I just heard he doesn’t like wall st. very much and hates junk bonds. And he thinks most institutional investors are constrained so they act like fools. His way is no different from Ben Graham or Buffet: find the bargain, buy it and sell it when feel ok to do so. Null&nuller didn’t even mention this book!!!

I have an electronic copy of Margin of Safety if anyone wants it - it’s actually a pretty big file but I’ll work something out.

The reason why it cost over $1200+ is because the book is out of print. Klarman realized he made a mistake by releasing some of is secrets. Supply & Demand at work. The reason why Graham’s writings can be purchased for $30 bucks a pop is because the market is flooded with copies of his work. BTW Baupost was up ~50% last year.

j-rad I’d be very interested…keep me posted…can you send this via e-mail? aim?

I’m reading Hedgehogging (Barton Biggs) right now. It’s pretty good. Talks about the world of hedge funds. Not a technical book… but I think its nice to take time away from books that list formulas on almost every page.

ValueAddict Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > j-rad I’d be very interested…keep me > posted…can you send this via e-mail? aim? Send me your email or AIM and I’ll contact you.

Hey J-Rad, Can you send it to me? I’ll reciprocate with an out-of-print investing article from a 1976 playboy that features all sorts of interesting quotes.

cfafrank Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I took CFA exams only because I want to drive a > lambo, get laid, play playstation 3 and do some > dope. You need a CFA to play PlayStation 3 now? Damn, it seems I’m under-qualified for everything.

“Stocks for the Long Run” - Jeremy Seigel.