Books to Read

If not could anyone send a copy over to wcp212 at I would really appreciate it.

I will upload the full version again tonight. After that, somebody else can in the future to help out… enough people here have downloaded it

OK, Let’s do this once and for all. 1. Download and install a software named EMULE from 2. use the Search Function of the program. 3. Enter the names of whatever books or other stuff you want to download. You will find maybe 5 different versions of this book. Don’t tell me you don’t want to try “CFA” or " Schswer". 4. Double-click the books you want to download. 5. Enjoy your day.

Hey j-rad did you upload it again? Can you provide the new link?

Has anyone read Traders, Guns & Money by Satyajit Das. I bought it recently but haven’t yet started. Have enough to read for now.

New Financial Order - Shiller Probability, Statistics and Truth - Von Mises Undercover Economist - Harford (my fav of the econ for monkeys books) Economic Consequences of the Peace - God (a.k.a. Keynes) Stumbling on Happiness - Gilbert As others suggested Fooled by Randomness (or Black Swan and just skip every second sentence) - Taleb Against The Gods - Bernstein Liar’s Poker & When Genius Failed were interesting but Marquez can tell a better story. O,F & other Derivatives by Hull is reference for everyone. The industry needs more J.C.H. If you can’t find Iraq, Somalia, and Rwanda on unmarked maps, ya might wanna read more about the world and less about what strategies made rich dudes richer. Paris 1919 by MacMillan or Europe by Davies are as good of places to start as any. Finance is easier if you understand economics, history and psychology.

after reading few reviews at amazon… cannot stop my self… thanks heaps in advance Aussie

Steven Frey books are some of my favorite!

Has anyone read David Einhorn’s book, Fooling Some of the People All of the Time?

best entertaining/insight book…came out maybe a year ago The wolf of wall street- I forgot th euathor, but that is the actual title. Google it! You’ll have trouble putting this book down!


Wolf of Wall St. is like Boiler Room in print…but the movie is much better. The author is absolutely insufferable. And whomever said Sykes book should leave this industry for good…Timmmay is the biggest douche/piker on the Street.

^^^ ahhh yes…you think tossing midgets will ever come back in style? (

I started reading Einhorns book - got distracted w/ some bs going on right now - it’s so so at this point but granted I haven’t really delved into it.

Could somebody kindly send me a copy of Klarman’s book? Thanks a lot.

Please do not spam, go to and typein the name of the book. Enjoy!

v.raghavan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please do not spam, go to and typein > the name of the book. Enjoy! Thanks!

I would love a copy also…thanks in advance!

Seriously? It looked good from the cover and the back so I picked it up from the library. I couldn’t make it through more than 30 pages. The author is absolutely horrible. It was like a bad rip off Brett Easton Ellis’s style of writing in American Pyscho (talking about what people were wearing, etc). miker2800 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > best entertaining/insight book…came out maybe a > year ago > > The wolf of wall street- I forgot th euathor, but > that is the actual title. Google it! You’ll have > trouble putting this book down!

No doubt the writing (Wolf of Wall Street) is completely awful, but I read it and enjoyed it since I don’t live far from where all of this went on. The author cannot write for cr@p and his smug, relentlessly self-celebratory style was pretty annoying, but the book was amusing and even informative in parts. I particularly liked the background on steven madden, how he started his business and details on the IPO swindle that eventually landed him in jail.