Books to Read

I just found the link, too. Thanks, J-rad. Can’t wait to read this all.

Welcome everyone.

Hi guys, I’m unable to download the file probably because of my connection in this part of the world. Can a kind soul please send it to ? Much appreciated! Thanks!

anyone here own that Paul Tudor Jones’s documentary from back in the day? I think it’s called Trader. Last I heard the price was ridiculous …

me too

VirginCFAhooker, nice one! hehhe This topic reminds me of some warez forum, but anyway - Big THANKS to j-rad.

2 books: Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Maddness of Crowds - Charles MacKay Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk - Peter Bernstein

In all seriousness, if you want a great read that is very timely then check out Alan Greenspan’s new book. If you want to maximize your efficiency & time reading then you’ll read the book in this order: Intro Last chapter Second to Last chapter First half of book. then… if you can handle more the second half of the book (excluding the last 2 chapters). I found that the second half of the book (excluding the last 2 chapters) wasn’t very good. It was a little redundant and pompous. I would argue the only part of the book that makes sense to read sequentially is the first half of the book.

Can someone please send it to ? Thanks!

Hey J-Rad! would u still have a PDF copy of the Klarman book? I can’t access the links you posted. Or if anyone else that has a copy! thanks heaps!! Please email it to

Ditto, I would greatly appreciate it being sent to

Yup, pay it forward

I’d like a copy too pleaseee (its missin from my library…lol) bonneysivia AT gmail DOT com

I noticed the shared link no longer works, can someone send the book file to me.

Also would like a copy. Please anybody: ustcer90 AT yahoo dot com Thanks. To Margin of Safety.pdf

Thanks pacmandefense! However, does anyone have an actualy PDF copy of the book?

j-rad Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > j-rad Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I don’t remember who the last person was that I > > sent it to, but it was somewhere back near the > > middle of the third page I think… a lot more > > requests since then. > > > > I decided to make it easier and just upload the > > file so everyone can download it - it is at the > > link below. As I’ve told people via email, > this > > version is the “most important” chapters, > > according to the person who originally scanned > > it. > > > > I do have the full version as well, but for > some > > reason its a huge file (170mb vs. 2mb). I will > > start uploading the full version now, so I’ll > post > > another link tomorrow morning when it’s > finished. > > > > But for now, here is the version that is > missing > > some chapters. > > > > > > > Full version of the book: (remember, large file so > be patient when downloading) > Any chance you’ll put it up again?