Bowflex dumbbells

Anyone have experience with these?

Since having kids I have no time to go to the gym, so I’m looking for something I can use in my apartment. There is a dinky gym in my building that has some machines, but not enough for a total body workout.

They got 4.5 stars on Amazon and have a cheaper price than the link you posted. I was thinking about buying them but haven’t taken the plunge yet.

Get a power rack you p****y!

^+1. You aren’t going to get much exercise with just dumbbells.

Brother, no disrespect as I know you’re trying to keep your fitness goals on point, but I couldn’t even get a decent warm-up in with these cufflinks dialed to their maximum weight.

I have weights like this but from a different brand. The dumbells themselves are ok. Normal free weights will definitely feel more solid (no parts clinking as you move) and less bulky. However, if you live in a small apartment, it is understandable how you might overlook these disadvantages due to the space savings.

The biggest disadvantage from moving to a gym to home workout, in my opinion, is that you end up procrastinating and being less motivated to work out. If you exercise in a public gym, you have more peer pressure and you can block out gym time easily. At home, you are distracted by house things and will be tempted to skip exercise.

Cool thanks good catch. I have a friend who has these and swears by it.

Working out at home is much easier for me, especially with kids. Adding the half hour of getting to the gym and back home, a gym isn’t very pratical. I have my stuff SRT up in the man cave where I have peace and quiet. I throw on something on TV and get my work out in.

There are lots of people at the gym that I have no desire to see on a regular basis or in fact ever. I can knock out a good 30-45 minute weights routine at home which is about half the time it would take at the gym including the drive, parking, and wasting time waiting for other people to finish.

Also men thinking they need to get huge at the gym should read this and then cancel their gym memberships:

Confirmed by real life experience. The female body type preference is also very true.

They are good, but they aren’t really heavy enough for me. There are only a few exercises that I use 25lbs or less, although I do almost everything except legs and back with dumb bells. Honestly if I was you, I would do gymnastics type stuff in your apartment and just buy a weight vest (I think mine goes up to 80 lbs). Your ability to do jumping movements will be limited to which floor you live on, but you could always go to the gym on site.

Stuff like this:

Idk…both those guys are beefy dudes with rippling abs, chest, biceps…grrrr (no homo)

I would say the left dude is lean / cut and the right dude is beefy (no homo). Most women prefer Brad Pitt in Fight Club over Vin Diesel in the Fast and the Furious by a factor of about 10. Go read a body building forum about it sometime, all these dudes slamming whey protein and spending 987923792 hours per week in the gym are freaking out because they went for the wrong body type lol. This makes sense if you think about it because our species evolved for millions of years prior to the invention of free weights so it’s unlikely to that a huge bulky unnatural appearance would be attractive to most women.

Of course Brad Pitt is RIPPED in Fight Club, so I’m not saying those results are easy to achieve, but getting there doesn’t involve huge weights. You could do that with moderately heavy weights in a home gym and 90 of cardio 5-7 days a week with a good diet. Easy? No, but doable if you had the time and discipline.

Basically it’s this: skinny dude < beefy dude < CFA < rusty hacksaw < top 2 MBA < lean / cut dude < Brad Pitt

I have seen a few articles on the body type preference topic and one thing that really shows this truth is if you look at the differences between women/men in a men’s magazine vs. something more geared towards women. The men’s magazines tend to have more curvy, bigger-boobed women, while the womens (think fashion, etc) tend to be more skinny. Because of the audience they are trying to appeal to. I think the same goes on the other side.

Based on a random sampling of HBCs in the hedge fund industry, the following dudes are the biggest of the BSDs (no h0mo) - Brad Pitt, Ryan Philippe, Daniel Craig, Ryan Gosling, Joe Manganiello, Channing Tatum, Ryan Reynolds

Have you considered the Shake Weight?

I do not own the dumbbells in question, but I have seen them and used them a little bit.

From what I can tell, they do work as advertised, as long as you don’t drop them or otherwise abuse them. If you do, then the plates will break and you won’t be able to use certain weight settings.

However, like many others on here, I don’t understand how a person can just let themselves go and not work out at least 1.5 hours a day. You disgust me.

Ride a bike to work, hard. There is 60+mins/day of cardio depending in your commute distance. Best is you don’t actually lose time as you would have just been sitting in your car anyway. I find its easier to integrate activity into your routine and accomplish a practical task with it, like getting home.

I agree that the vast majority of women prefer the cut look (Brad Pitt in Fight Club) over the beefy look (Vin Diesel in Fast & Furious), especially professional women. But, there are exceptions and these exceptions include very physically attractive women.

Young girls are more impressionable by big muscles. The bartender/stripper/hair dresser crowd are also into the beefy look. I’ve noticed that fake attracts fake, in the sense that women with implants in the DDD category and more tend to like steroid monkeys. I see a positive correlation between female big boobs matching with male big muscles, not necessarily female beautiful faces matching with male big muscles.

Also, the fact that Sofia Vergara is currently dating the beefiest guy in Hollywood is just going to give more motivation for these gym rats to inject themselves.

There might be 10%-20% of women that prefer the beef look (demand) while there are many more guys wanting to attain that look (supply). Many guys will be left holding an empty bag.

Agree 100%.

Also: “The bartender/stripper/hair dresser crowd are also into the beefy look.”

This is reason not to do it according to the hot / crazy matrix.

Yes, all you males should stay at home and lift. Please share this with all the bros that take up space at the local gyms.