CAIA Frame

The CAIA frame is no longer available on CAIA org members, could you please add it back to the site or direct us to where we can get CAIA charter frames? I know any frame will do but I was hoping for one with the logo, etc.

I was not aware that CAIA once had a logo frame, but will look into it and let you know what I find out.

Hi Bill,

Any update on this?


Looks like the frame is back on framingsuccess!

yes Thanks Ramos4rm!

Ramos4rm, did you get frames for CFA Charter as well? You are so fancy :slight_smile:

Of course…Windsor moulding all day.

^ I am thinking about getting CAIA charter. My questions is, did you learn anything useful that you thought CFA curriculum negleted?

I learned that the eucalyptus tree has the highest net IRR among timber investments. Honestly, I don’t recall much as its been a while but I will say there was some good stuff…contango, backwardation, cash and carry trade…i think that might have also been in CFA…don’t recall. I thought VC pre and post money valuations was useful…again though that might have been CFA.

Thank you for your answer. I believe those things (except for timber) are covered in CFA. Now I am seriously doubting :-/

There is a lot of benchmarking stuff in there that I dont think was in CFA.

This doesn’t seem to be a strong endorsement for the CAIA. I want to take the exam, but this thread doesn’t seem to justify the expensive fees.

Up to you. Honestly it’s been a while…you should check out the book first before making any decisions…its definitely not a repeat of CFA (except for ethics, which identical).

There is overlap with CFA but the core areas are different and covered in less detail than in CFA.

In my opinion it was definitely worthwhile, CAIA knowledge comes back to me and is useful day to day in work, but I work in Alternatives.

There is overlap with CFA but the core areas are different and covered in less detail than in CFA.

In my opinion it was definitely worthwhile, CAIA knowledge comes back to me and is useful day to day in work, but I work in Alternatives.

Thank you for your advise Viffer. I will seriously consider it.