I need advice regarding studying CAIA L1 FOR September 2019 exam together CFA L1 for December 2019 exam .
Is it good idea to combine studying or I should complete CFA firstly ?
I need advice regarding studying CAIA L1 FOR September 2019 exam together CFA L1 for December 2019 exam .
Is it good idea to combine studying or I should complete CFA firstly ?
What are your strengths? Do you have good quants and stats knowledge? If so, you can probably handle both as the theory is easy and there is a lot of overlap - probably 45-55% - I think remembering all of the formulae would be my undoing to do both at once, but you might manage. There is a lot of material to cover in both, so you may need 350-400 hours of dedicated study and going through questions.
Thinking about signing up for CFA LVL I in June, passed CAIA LVL II in 2017. Do I have enough time to study and pass?
Hi Guys - I am writing CFA L2 in June and thinking of writing CAIA L1 in Sept. anyone that has experience that can advise on wether 2.5 months between writing CFA L2 and CAIA L1 is enough time to prep for CAIA L1?
Yes. CAIA is not hard at all compared to the CFA (it’s kind of a joke honestly). I did exactly that and did just fine. Plan it out and shoot for the latest test date.
thank you!!