how long are the schweser materials for LI? thinking about signing up for the September session and attempting the quick turnaround post-LIII. any info would be greatly appreciated!
I think that having passed CFA level 1 and 2 you can sit for CAIA Level 1.
CAIA Level 1 consists of 2 books of schweser. The Level 1 has “pre-requisits” that can post a challenge for someone that has never takeen a exam li this (for example they assume you have a backround on economestrics, DCF, etc), but in your case I think that you’ll be fine. You should start as soon as possible though.
solid! thanks for your input. registered yesterday and ordered all the materials. digging in asap for the quick turnaround. interested to see how it goes given the timeframe.
Save your money and spend it on wine and fast cars. Schweser is solid. There haven’t been any substantive changes that would make buying the new books worthwhile.