Hi there!
I decided to start a thread for sharing your Level 1 results because they must be just around the corner. Good luck, everyone.
Hi there!
I decided to start a thread for sharing your Level 1 results because they must be just around the corner. Good luck, everyone.
Crossing my fingers for everyone !
Passed! Looking forward to seeing the details to know where I need to concentrate for level 2.
I have no words, I’m so happy! I wasted all summer for it, took 5-hours flight to test centre and…passed!
I’m waiting for results to consider it for level 2!
Info slowly trickling in on the site. Looks like 67% pass-rate. Candidate Performance Report is jacked up right now, so no further details.
Dog, Alexander, how are your results?
Hey Aliandr,
I have not received an email yet and the CAIA website is down, presumably because of all the traffic. Congratulations on your result, hopefully we will take Level II in March together!
Thanks Dog!
I will try to take level 2 exam in September, probably in Seoul (there is no test centre in Moscow, Russia) and in March i will be on vacation before CFA level 2 so I will drink my pineapple juice for your success.
I wish you good luck! Hope the CAIA site will start work normally soon. And I see no letter in my mail-box, maybe they don’t send it?
I think the results on the website appear slightly before the email… I’m waiting for that as the site is still down
Yeah that must be the case; I am sure all of us tapping F5 every now and then aren’t helping the cause!
I remember the same thing happening with the CFA website when I sat it years back!
Hey Aliandr,
still waiting for results.
Hehe, I am in the same situation.
Passed !
Website is working now.
Passed! Congratulations, Alex. I can’t see the breakdown; all I see is one “Higher” but no topic areas. :S
Congrats! Pass here too thankfully…
Well done, wood and good luck to everyone else. Also good luck to us for Level II! Can anyone see the breakdown?
Yep - the full breakdown has now appeared on the website
Well, what are you waiting for then? Paste away! I still can’t see mine.
Still no breakdown. Originally I saw a number that looked like a either a score or a percentile that would be in line with my score compared to reference group. Now, I just see a check mark under higher.
Yeah same here, kellerman (I see one check mark under Higher). PS congratulations and here’s to a smashing performance in Level II. Time for some salmon with Corona…