Anytime before Friday… they switched from giving exact dates to giving a ‘within’ timeframe. Last year was 5 days after the previous years’, so who can really guess… hopefully hf-rat is right about tomorrow; hate the wait…
Good Morning and welcome to R-Day (hopefully not week).
If I was a betting man (I’m not becasue I prefer a better risk adjusted return ) I would go for 9am EST today. In any case good luck to you all.
Why does CAIA not annouce a date for the results anymore?
hmmm, when you go to the CAIA website and log-in I can register already for the level II exam. Not sure what that is supposed to mean… Hopefully a glitch!!!
Mhh just tried to but it does not work. Still says “Thank for you registering for the Level 2 exam” and than “View next steps”
ok, well. That’s what i get as well
I see myself a passed, but I have no breakdown.
Passed!!! No breakdown as well, but does not matter at all
pass/fail is out. check online now… still waiting for email with breakdown.
Congrats to all who passed - I passed too…
Breakdown is out as well:
Examination Topic (Weights) Relative Performance Level* Weak Lower Comparable Higher Outstanding Commodities (5% - 15%) Comparable Hedge Funds and Managed Futures (10% - 20%) Higher Other Constructed-Response Questions (20%) Outstanding Private Equity (10% - 20%) Higher Professional Standards and Ethics (10%) Lower Real Assets (10% - 20%) Outstanding Risk and Risk Management, Manager Selection, Due Diligence, and Regulation (5% - 15%) Higher Structured Products, Asset Allocation, and Portfolio Management (5% - 15%) Higher
Passed too.
I also passed… congrats to all who did.
congratulation all… I failed… it makes me to feel embarrassing about what happened to me
@ Lee Chi Ho - don’t be embarrased, I was a resitter this time so I understand your disappointment. Just keep going and you’ll make it!
I thought my breakdown would be a tad better… though gotta be pretty happy with passing with only like 7 weeks or so of schweser study. Didn’t start my revision till like 1.5 weeks before…
Now for CFA Level III…
Passed. Congrats to all!
Likewise, congrats!
Congrats sirs (and ladies)…I like how Monitos only lower was Ethics haha, you unethical dude!!!..anyone else feel like posting their breakdown, we do it a lot on CFA. I myself had 3 outstandings (“HF & MF”, “other essays”, “structured prods, AA, and PM”) and 5 highers (the rest) when I took L2 last March. What was the pass rate btw?