I will retake a test next year september… I am in south korea I feel that I am limited to prepare for test alone
I got just a books and no test book … someone who passed a lv 2 test give me an advice and materials that I will use such as testbank or books that I can learn a detail of hedge fund, risk management, structered product (which are I got a “weak”)
I am doing a pharamatic in unversity… there is no source i will get a help. ;.;
my email is dlclgh6@gmail.com send me any advices helpful to me…
It gets worse I passed L2 CFA this year with less than 50% on Ethics there as well. I think I really need to look at that before I throw away points at L3
62% passed this time.
For Lee Chi Ho - Don’t feel bad, I know a lot of people put CAIA down, but it’s not that easy and Level 2 was certainly a little more difficult that I expected (even if that was for the wrong reasons, namely testing the dark corners of the curriculum)
Dark corners? What is that supposed to mean?
It means that they test every part of the curriculum…I completely agree with Monito, there were times in the exam where I just thought ‘are you kidding me!?’
Totally agree with you. But still think that Uppermark does a good job.
Congrats to all those who passed…
Just to clarify on Dark Corners
What I mean is the type of question where (IMHO) knowing the answer or not does not make you a better analyst (e.g. what was the return on X over a 5 year period between Y and Z). These types of question will kill people who follow Schweser only as Schweser will not cover all of this. Nor do I think they should.
Schweser (I can’t speak for Uppermark) does a very good job of consolidating the course to the important issues which are more likely to appear on the test (VaR, valuing Converts, etc.)
These types of question are not necessary to make the exam difficult, and I would really like to see CAIA focussing more in the future on Core knowledge questions that strech candidates a little more rather than a pub quiz style where they reward knowledge of obscure facts that don’t really add much value
A shorter post for Lee
Get Schweser or Uppermark, make sure you do as many practice questions as possible, and don’t be afraid of redoing them again and again.
Personally I love the Schweser video instruction, I’m a lazy monkey, so trying to start on the books is hard for me, but I love the Discovery Channel so it’s much easier for me to watch a video and then get into the books for more detail or a second look later.
This approach won’t work for everyone, you all need to find the best way to study that matches your personalilty, but given that I am only 1 exam away from the Triple Crown, I’m happy that it works for me.
If used properly, Schweser notes an QBank is totally sufficient to pass both lvl 1 and lvl 2
I used Uppermark for Level 1 and 2 and thought I was well prepared. Testbank is vital and the flashcards are worth it for quick reference and formula checking…final prep exam is worth it too if you overdo the testbank (particularly as their aren’t as many to practice on the Constructed Response)…the final review webinar isn’t really worth it and I didnt bother with the online classes…take the CAIA mock on their website too.
I also went through each sub point of each LO from CAIA study guide, helps you sometimes to sift out the parts you dont really need to learn in huge detail…
Above all, get the books and test bank and practice it over and over…
I hope they make this designation harder to obtain very soon. I passed this exam without doing any mocks and never practiced a constructed response question. No one is going to take it seriously until pass rates go sub 50s. Interesting material just the testing needs to be completely overhauled.
Glad I passed though before it got too hard. Difficult enough with the dark corners…
Think about CFA though. A lot people have passed and have their charter. Sure it is harder than CAIA, but easy enough that people are still passing. We have 10,000 alone in Toronto! I actually take CFA less seriously because everyone and their cousin has one.
There will always be people who pass with less prep, but I think the *majority* still do need to do mocks or the test banks to help prepare. I overprepared for L1 because I was a college dropout and because I had time. Was getting 80-85% in the week before the test. I underprepared for L2 while working, only got 60-70% on mocks, but only barely passed.
Congrats to all who passed! For those who didn’t, check your results again, just in case they made a mistake. If you still did not pass, be grateful you can retake for less than $500 - half the price of ONE university credit course - and that you now have unlimited chances to rewrite.
Definitely interesting material, though I found L1 more interesting…
Hey. I registered last year for l2 but could not write the exam. I have the shweser books from last year. Can I use it for l2 in sept this year? Will it suffice?
The curriculum is a bit different from 2013 to 2014 - they made changes to the articles - removed some and added few. Make sure you get new articles in addition to your Schweser books.
What exactly do you mean by that? Are you saying one can challenge official results?
Good luck getting a change in grade.