I am CAIA level II candidate for September Exam. Please can you advise me for the following mentioned below;
How to prepare for constructive response questions and what approach should I take to be in good shape. ( facing difficulty in current integrated topics)
Is Schweser practice exam is enough to prepare for MCQs
If I get zero marks in Current Integrated topic and other essay topics but perform well in well ethics and MCQs. Is there is any chance that I can pass the exam.
I am doing self study and using Schweser material for preparation.
I had the exact same concern when started preparing for level 2.
I thought I had ethics covered but was surprised with a weaker score and higher with other CIT. For current integrated topics. aim at reading all articles and know the main points and calculations. The third CR can be any topic from the core book and luckily I got a topic I know.
For the MCQ, what worked for me is that I segmented my studies into two. Calculations and Theory. The former was easy points for me as I went through the study guide and looked for every calculate LOS, wrote the formulas, memorised them and practiced with workbook and upper mark qbank. I practiced the theory part after reading the official book once, upper mark final review and qbank.
this worked for me given the short time I had to prep (two months).
For constructive response questions, I would read each reading, listen to a video lecture (strongly recomend Uppermark) and then attempt as many questions as you can. Be honest with yourself when grading them, and anyones you do poorly in, redo them a week or two later.
I found Schweser questions a tad bit easy. I’d also recomend Uppermarks Qbank which in my opinion was on the other end of the spectrum - too difficult. The main benefit of doing this was that I found the exam a bit easier than I expected, which is where you want to be if you are putting in all of that time.
I believe the Essays are worth 30% of your overall exam. If the passing score is 70%, then you would need to get every single MCQ correct, and your chances of doing that are quite slim. Do not leave any stone uncovered is my advice.
I am taking L2 in March 2019. I am finding the constructed responses ever so much harder than the MCQ. Guess that’s the point.
Wonder how much leeway they will give on language; e.g. if the answer is “Unanticipated Inflation” as a constituent of Real Estate returns and I write “Unexpected Inflation” whether that gets the mark.