CAIA Level II Results (Spring 2016)

Does anyone know when we can expect the CAIA level II results to be released? Does the CAIA really take the full 6 weeks?

Yes…the short answer questions need to be read and graded.

I have heard/read from prior years that around 3rd week of April is usual. What Ramos4rm said.

3rd week of april puts us at 4-5 weeks from today

Previous results days for Level 2 that I can find are:

Monday 20 April 2015 (37 clear days after final exam day)

Wednesday 29 October 2014 (39 clear days after final exam day)

Monday 21 April 2014 (37 clear days after exam day)

Monday 28 October 2013 (37 clear days after final exam day)

Monday 29 October 2012 (37 clear days after final exam day)

Sunday 22 April 2012 (36 clear days after final exam day)

Sunday 18 April 2010 (36 clear days after final exam day)

37 clear days is the mode and that would take us to 25 April 2016 for this cycle.

Thanks! And wonderful, 5 weeks to go!

what about Level I?

Can’t remember. If you search the discussion threads, you will find some clues. Or start a thread with called Level 1 Results. Interested people will respond to that.

L1, probably three four weeks if September was any indication, they were out by Oct 13/14 last fall


  1. yes, start a L1 thread

  2. ~ a month is about right. So, soon then, good luck!

Just speculation, but anyone else think we’ll see as signficant a drop in passrate as L1 did? Yes I know it could be due to a couple of confounding factor, like the update in materials rather than a change in the curve?

This significant drop in the L1 pass rate has scared the Hell out of me. I thought I would have been borderline in any event but if the CAI Assoiation does something similar to the L2 results, I will be screwed.

Again, speculation but maybe they won’t until they update the materials? Again the drop may not be a move in the curve, could just be a reflection of the test takers?

Hi all,

I just have passed level 1 using Uppermark would you guys recommed Uppermark for level 2 as well? I am considering purchasing the original text as well.

Good question but I think we should all defer answering until we get our results!

Survey went out. By the timeline they gave, results will likely be given on April 26th?

They always seem to issue results on a Monday unless there’s a public holiday.

My money is still on 25 April.

And you were right: good analysis!