I am a closed-end fund and ETF analyst. Although I am not actively managing money or an AI-specific analyst, I review and provide recommendatins on products that use a significant amount of derivatives within their portolios. I have passed all three levels of the CFA program (haven’t received the charter yet) and was curious if the CAIA was worth getting. Also interested in doing this partly because I enjoy the tested material since I am pushing back b-school for a while.
Similar boat, I opted to get it because I enjoy the material quite a bit and it seems like the exam has a growing presence
Brown - I work in ETFs as well and got the CAIA in March 2010. I find that not many ETF companies know what it is, but the people who do clearly respect it. I think it is more known in the hedge fund world than in indexing/ETF/Mutual Funds. On the other hand, ETFs are pushing into the alts now, so you may find it helpful. Also the curriculum is a LOT more interesting than the CFA one.