Hi all. I routinely can’t finish Private Wealth Management portion in time given because I write out the sentences. Can you use bullet points instead of full sentences? Also, any tips for absorbing info in paragraphs and calculating required return quickly? Each question is so different than the last, there is no way for me to calculate return fast enough.
I have failed this exam twice now because of this section and I am not any better with it this time around.
Always use bullet points.
Obviously bullets are neater as well as faster but I suspect your problem isn’t time management or style of writing. It is more fundamental.
Always have an IPS template in your mind as you read through. Every useful information you come across try to map it to an IPS. Say this has to do with liquidity, this is given net of tax so I have to gross up, this is house value so it is not part of investable assets, this guy is 45 years old so must remember to reference to risk tolerance etc. Read actively. Pretend that you love it