Career Advice needed, passed level 3 , part-time MBA

Hi all,

I am in IT-consulting, and also interning with a small brokerage doing some sell side equity research stuff. I passed level 3 this year, and I currently attend NYU Stern part-time.

I’ve been networking a lot through stern alumni, however, haven’t led to any interviews yet. I am planning to start from sell side, or banking, eventually move to buy side. I wonder if there is anything else I need to do.

Any advice will be appreciated, thanks!

Dosn’t NYU give you access to CarreerNet for current students? I did undergrad at NYU. Did You try talking to other classmates/Professors on what to do in finding work? And I would post this in Careers btw.

The guy is part-time MBA. part timers don’t have access to the golden key of on-Campus recruiting.


WOW, if a Stern MBA dude is struggling something is wrong! Same boat minus the MBA

dude, Stern is like rank 10. we already had this debate. top 2 or hacksaw

but realisitically… top 5 should be relatively safe. we just have high standrdas here on AF