CFA done - what now? CAIA, FRM, CQF?


I completed the CFA program and earned the Charter in 2014. After almost a year enjoying life without study pressure I start to miss the intellectual challenge, and the satisfaction from learning something really good, I experienced during my studies for the CFA exam. Now I have started considering going deeper in some area like Alternatives (CAIA), Risk Management (FRM) or quantative methods (CQF). Anyone out there who did one of these qualifications after the CFA? Is it worth? Did you learn a lot of new useful things?

As a profession I am a Bond Trader/Market maker (both manual and algorithmic) in a large global bank. My univesity background is Computer Science and Engineering (MSc) and I also did an MBA.

Thanks in advance for any advice


IMHO the CQF would be the best fit to your profession.

I am CAIA charter holder myself and think that it is targeting manager selection analysts and asset allocators and not that much trader types.

The CQF should fit well to your fixed income / algo-trading background.


completely agree. And if your are looking for challenge, CAIA is not challenging at all. Although very interesting.

Ever thought of the CMT? That might be interesting with your background.